General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
International: 0330 333 8188

Drug & Alcohol Rehab South Africa

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab South Africa

    Long waiting lists are an unfortunate compromise for many public healthcare service providers. With OK Rehab, this is one of the features we do not include in our process of rehabilitation.

    OK Rehab can admit you to a suitable rehabilitation centre after just one initial consultation over the phone. No waiting lists, and no stress in spending hours researching potential options.

    During the duration of OK Rehab, we have aided thousands in finding suitable rehabilitation programmes, specifically tailoring a range of treatments for each individual.

    If you are ready and committed to the ideas of rehabilitation and recovery, then contact OK Rehab today. Our experience and dedication to helping every person who steps through our doors make us the best choice for your future with addiction.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 to start discussing your options today, or to have an initial telephone consultation before being admitted to a rehab centre.

    Don’t find yourself on a waiting list

    A man reading in bed

    In the UK, its estimated that the large majority of people requiring assistance with their addiction are on lengthy waiting lists, increasing the amount of time that will pass before they get the help they need.

    In South Africa, OK Rehab offers private rehabilitation centres, eliminating the need for waiting lists completely and providing care to those who need it urgently. All it takes is having the motivation to overcome addiction.

    Throughout your stay in a private residential rehab centre, and even after you leave, you will have access to the highest quality treatment programmes and support networks required, meaning you will never be left alone when dealing with addiction.

    Having this aftercare support is a vital stage of rehabilitation, even though it occurs after a stay in a centre. This often takes the form of relapse prevention training and family drug support and helps all those within the social network of the individual as well as the individual themselves.

    Residential rehab centres and services in South Africa

    holding hands across table

    If you decide that a rehabilitation centre is the best option for you, then you will be provided with nothing short of expert and professional care.

    In this type of specialised environment, you will be free to concentrate on your rehabilitation without distraction or triggers from external sources.

    Throughout your stay, you will undertake a range of different treatments, including one-to-one counselling, group therapy, and more modern techniques such as exercise, art, and music therapy.

    You will be in a supportive environment, not only from the expert staff on hand 24/7, but also from others staying at the centre.

    Receiving support from those in a similar situation is reported as being encouraging and motivating for most. Activities such as sharing experiences and discussing addiction together are just a few of the most helpful practices that you can partake in as part of a group.

    In a rehabilitation centre, you are never alone when dealing with addiction and the associated issues. Support and encouragement are available 24/7.

    Getting in touch with OK Rehab


    When calling OK Rehab, there is no need to be nervous or ashamed. Our professional team of staff is expertly trained, and each is an expert within the field.

    Although this initial step can seem daunting, it is important to remember that, as a rehabilitation service provider, we have your well-being and recovery at the focus of all our efforts.

    Our primary goal is to provide the best care possible, therefore reducing the risk of returning to rehab in the future. This is most common in the short term after leaving a rehab centre, meaning that help and assistance will never be more than a call away in South Africa.

    Within our team, we have several members who have undertaken this process in the past and are now committed to assisting others with the same journey.

    If you are seeking care, either for yourself or for a loved one, please do not hesitate to call us today on 0800 326 5559 to begin exploring your rehabilitation options.

    Alternatively, if you have questions about anything you have read on this website, our team is happy to answer any questions, no matter how trivial you may believe it to be.

    OK Rehab is committed to helping you and assisting in your recovery.



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