General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Longbenton

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Longbenton

    Addiction can cause a host of both short- and long-term health issues, some of which most people are completely unaware of.

    It is difficult to know what the next steps are, especially for those seeking help for themselves. When seeking help from others, people are able to be more objective, but finding help for yourself can be particularly challenging.

    Addiction is described as a vicious cycle due to the nature of its effects. When someone is addicted, quitting the substance is not as simple as just stopping.

    Many in Longbenton are suffering from addiction and most are unsure or unaware of where to look. This is where OK Rehab comes in to help.

    With our 24/7 phone lines, we are ready to discuss any issue relating to addiction – for yourself, for others, thinking of entering rehab, or returning to rehab after a period of abstinence.

    No question is a stupid question. Call us today at 0800 326 5559 to get answers or the help you need.

    Longbenton rehabilitation centres and treatment programmes

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    For those suffering from addiction, admitting that they have a problem can be the first hurdle to overcome.

    By admitting to the problem, many people often feel embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty. With OK Rehab, this will never be the case.

    Our team is dedicated and committed to helping those most in need.

    Going through rehabilitation alone, without professional help, is not recommended due to the danger involved as well as associated mental health issues.

    Individuals who choose to go through this alone often report feelings of immense loneliness and isolation.

    Keeping this in mind, it is much more commonly recommended to enter a specially-tailored course of treatment programmes – either in a centre or around the local area of Longbenton.

    It is never too late to start seeking help if you are motivated to overcome addiction.

    Start your rehabilitation journey today by calling a member of our OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559.

    Why is it important to get help for an addiction?

    woman looking away

    As briefly mentioned before, going through rehabilitation (and therefore withdrawal) alone is one of the toughest means to conquer an addiction.

    When someone is addicted, it is often difficult to have a clear grasp of the environment, their wellbeing, and suitable treatments. These individuals can have a clouded image of what they are trying to achieve and how is best to do this.

    In addition, those affected by addiction often isolate themselves in an attempt to hide or cover up their substance abuse. This in itself is a degenerate behaviour and generally only intensifies the negative impacts of the addiction.

    In a large majority of cases, isolation only aggravates the severity of addiction and can cause more serious and long-lasting effects.

    No matter how mild or severe an addiction is, it should never be dealt with alone. Contact a member of our team today on 0800 326 5559 to find out how we can help you.

    Finding drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Longbenton

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    OK Rehab runs a highly successful and experienced referral programme. Through this programme, you will be matched with the most suitable centre, treatment programme, or support group for your needs.

    Undertaking this research alone can be confusing and disorientating, often putting people off the idea of getting help.

    With the referral programme, OK Rehab conducts a telephone consultation in which a member of our team will ask questions to learn more about you and the history of your experience with addiction.

    Included in this consultation are several essential factors such as physical health, psychological evaluation, recovery goals, and your budget.

    Using all of these factors, OK Rehab will offer a number of different rehabilitation options (depending on each individual case) and help you to understand each one.

    This is not the end of our services, as we also offer and suggest some of the most recently researched and approved treatment programmes as well as having a supportive aftercare system in place.

    With the difficult research and stressful decisions relatively removed from the process, individuals are better suited to enter a rehabilitation centre and begin the process of rehabilitation without distraction or triggers.

    Tailored and personalised rehabilitation

    Two women talking at a table

    Throughout the process of referral and finding a suitable centre, OK Rehab heavily emphasises personalisation and specialisation.

    What works for one individual may not work for another and this depends on a large variety of factors such as the ones mentioned previously but most importantly – individual differences.

    Due to the complex nature of treatment programmes, specialising each one is essential for them to be efficient and effective.

    There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ and treatment programmes are often very flexible, adjusting and changing based on their effectiveness as well as the individual’s reaction to them.

    Treatment programmes through a specialised rehab centre

    In a centre, carrying out and taking part in tailored programmes is the norm and you will be welcomed to the programme by members of the rehabilitation centre staff.

    Generally, the most common treatment first undertaken by patients is detoxification.

    This allows the individual to prepare both physically and mentally for the treatments that lie ahead.

    This process is fully supervised and precedes a number of other treatment programmes such as the ones listed below:

    Call a member of the OK Rehab team today on 0800 326 5559 to receive more information on any of the above, or feel free to check our other specialised web pages.

    Start rehabilitation today with OK Rehab

    The first step is always the hardest.

    Luckily, our team is expertly trained, and our staff members are trained to handle your call in a confidential manner, meaning anything you tell us is private and nothing to be ashamed of.

    Don’t struggle with addiction alone – contact our team to start your journey today by calling our 24/7 phoneline on 0800 326 5559.


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