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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Stamford

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Stamford

    If you have researched different addiction treatment programmes across the UK, as well as more specifically in the Stamford area, then you may have seen that there is a lot of information available in the current market.

    For help understanding this information, or to learn more about the rehabilitation process, get in contact with OK Rehab today.

    Call our friendly and confidential addiction hotline on 0800 326 5559 or read more of our location pages to learn more about our services and treatments.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Stamford

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    For some individuals, telling the difference between substance misuse and abuse can be difficult. If you are concerned about your drug use and believe that you may be experiencing health risks as a result of this, then it may be time to start considering your rehabilitation options.

    Across the UK, there are thousands of people struggling with the same issues, so please be aware that OK Rehab will never make you feel ashamed or embarrassed of your situation.

    The UK is now facing more and more cases of drug and alcohol addiction and finding care without long waiting lists or specialisation can be incredibly difficult.

    Starting your rehabilitation journey, although this may seem like a fast change, is a case of sooner rather than later. The quicker an individual can enter rehabilitation and begin recovery, the higher the chances of success for their specific addiction treatment programmes.

    If rehabilitation is the next step for you and your addiction recovery, then please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the OK Rehab team on 0800 326 5559 to discuss any query relating to addiction.

    Whether you would like more information on different treatment programmes, or if you are interested in learning more about rehab centres and the admittance process, then please do not hesitate to call us today.

    The first step of rehabilitation is reaching out, so take this step today and start working towards an addiction-free lifestyle.

    Living with a drug and alcohol addiction – how to tell

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    In the majority of cases, those who enter rehabilitation have a basic understanding of their addiction and its effects on their lifestyle.

    Accepting addiction is a part of the process of recovery, and those in denial of their addiction will not benefit from the resources and effectiveness of rehabilitation programmes.

    If you are struggling to understand if your substance use classifies as misuse or abuse, then it may be helpful to take a look at the following paragraph outlining some of the key features of addiction.

    Common symptoms and signs exhibited in an individual suffering from addiction


    Not everyone experiences addiction in the same way, but below are listed some of the common signs and symptoms someone may present when suffering from addiction:

    • Finds it difficult to go long periods without substance use
    • Difficult to reduce or stop drug and/or alcohol consumption
    • Social relationships are suffering as a result of substance use
    • Other life factors such as career and finances may be deteriorating
    • Continued substance use despite negative consequences
    • Changes to physical and mental health

    These are some of the areas in which an individual may be able to better assess whether or not they have an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.

    Although they are not a complete list, considering some of the options above may help you to understand your current situation.

    For further clarification, or for help in diagnosing an addiction, please get in contact with OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559. Help is never as far away as many may think.

    Starting the rehabilitation process in Stamford

    woman looking away

    If you decide that rehabilitation is the right next step for you, then OK Rehab would like to welcome you to our admissions and referral service.

    Through this referral service, OK Rehab is in contact with thousands of rehabilitation service providers across the UK and will suggest the most appropriate options for you.

    To gauge what is most suitable, a member of our team will conduct an initial consultation. This will include questions on your current situation, both living and your relationship with drugs and alcohol, as well as taking into account personal preferences and budget.

    Support will be provided at every step of the process, even if you are admitted to a centre or enrolled on an addiction treatment programme.

    OK Rehab provides support to every individual who needs it, so contact a member of our team today on 0800 326 5559 to start the admissions process or to learn more about anything you have read today.

    Residential rehab – what is it and is it suitable for me?

    holding hands across table

    According to rehabilitation research, being admitted to a dedicated centre provides the highest rates of success and efficiency when it comes to recovery.

    As part of being the most successful rehabilitation technique, entering a residential centre also reduces the risk of relapse in the future.

    Due to the nature of residential rehab, addiction treatment programmes can be far more specified to every individual and this tailor-made approach is extremely effective when treating addiction.

    Throughout your stay, you will have access to help and support 24/7, as well as being able to access a wide range of treatments such as therapy, family support, and aftercare.

    To learn more about specific rehab centres or to start the admittance process, please call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 today.

    Continued recovery after rehabilitation in Stamford

    Entering a centre or completing an addiction treatment programme will massively boost your recovery due to the supportive and focused nature of these methods, but it is also important to consider recovery after these events.

    Leaving rehab can seem like a daunting and possibly terrifying thought for many, but you will never be left completely alone when it comes to post-rehab care.

    Most centres offer their own aftercare systems, consisting of addiction support networks, further local support groups and meetings, and therapy outside of the centres. However, OK Rehab is also available to any individual in any stage of the rehabilitation programme.

    No matter if you are concerned about your current course of treatment, or if you are just starting the process of researching rehabilitation, please call OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559.

    Our free and confidential advice is available to anyone, so ask our team anything related to addiction, and we will be happy to help.



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