General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Pontefract

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Pontefract

    OK Rehab has been providing rehab placements and free advice for over 20 years now. We have an unrivalled knowledge of the private rehab industry, meaning that we can match our service users with a clinic that is perfect for their needs.

    If you would like us to arrange rehab treatment for you, or if you would like some free guidance and information, please call us on 0800 326 5559. All calls to OK Rehab are free from UK Landlines, and we treat your information with strict confidentiality.

    If you are not ready to reach out just yet, you can read through the sections below for more information on rehab, detox, and how we help people to turn their lives around.

    Am I a suitable candidate for rehab?

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    Rehab is suitable for people who have serious drug or alcohol addictions and are committed to getting into long-term recovery. If you find that you are using drugs or alcohol most days of your life, or that your personal relationships have suffered as a result of your substance abuse, you are a suitable candidate for treatment at rehab, residential or otherwise.

    A lot of people have misconceptions about rehab, and the kind of people who go there. Thanks to the often-harmful images portrayed in reality TV, some people get the impression that rehab is just something for the rich and famous.

    This is not the case – people from all walks of life go into rehab and are better for it once they have completed treatment.

    How OK Rehab helps you into treatment

    A man in therapy

    We want to make sure that we pick the best possible treatment location for anyone who contacts us. To ensure that we do this, we first need to get some more information about your personal circumstances and what you are hoping to achieve through rehab treatment.

    This is the purpose of our initial consultation, which takes place over the telephone. When you call us on 0800 326 5559, we can find out more about you by asking some questions related to your experience with addiction.

    Based on that information, we can make a recommendation for an approved rehab clinic near you, and make a referral as easy as possible if you are happy to proceed. The whole process is conducted as efficiently as possible, and you could be starting your treatment at the clinic within days.

    The advantages of private rehab treatment

    Two people talking over coffee

    The exact pricing of your rehab treatment will depend on a few different factors. All clinics have their own pricing bands, and the cost of your treatment will also depend on what type of accommodation you opt for.

    For example, a single occupancy room at rehab would be more expensive than a multiple occupancy room. If your budget is on the lower end of the scale, there is also the option of having a standalone detox at home, for which we can provide guidance and medication.

    However, this option would not include therapy or other treatments, which can be vital to long-term recovery. These are all options we can discuss during your phone consultation, as well as going over what financing options might be available to you.

    What to expect from a stay at rehab

    A man reading in bed

    It may be that you have already decided that rehab would be the right choice for you, but you still don’t know what happens on a day-to-day basis at the clinic. Below is a rough guide to what happens during a residential rehab stay, in chronological order.

    Supervised detox

    If you are still using drugs or alcohol when you arrive at the clinic, as most people are, it will be necessary to go through detox. You should not feel like you have to abstain from using before you arrive at the clinic – in fact, you should never attempt to detox by yourself, as it can be very dangerous.

    At rehab, you will go through detox under the supervision of a medical team that can manage your withdrawal appropriately. In the case of alcohol withdrawal, this might involve the use of a sedative called Librium.

    At some clinics, you might have the option to go through a ‘wet’ alcohol detox, which involves reducing your alcohol consumption gradually over a certain amount of days, usually about a week, before stopping altogether.

    Likewise, withdrawing from heroin or other opiates will probably involve moving on to a substitutive medication such as Methadone or Subutex.

    All of these approaches are designed to minimise your pain and discomfort as your body adjusts to being without the substances you have been abusing. The process of detox will usually last between a week and 10 days, although it can be slightly longer for some people, usually those whose addictions have been severe.

    Once you are through this stage of treatment, you can move on to healing through therapy.

    Therapy and mental health treatment

    Your rehab clinic will have top mental health professionals on-site, including psychiatrists and counsellors. As well as treating your addiction issues, they will also be able to provide dual diagnosis for underlying issues such as anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, or OCD, and prescribe appropriate treatments for these disorders.

    Where appropriate, this might include prescribing new medications, such as SSRIs or antipsychotics. Your rehab stay will also include a carefully-constructed therapy programme, designed to give you a better understanding of addiction, and a better knowledge of self.

    This will probably include a combination of counselling, CBT, DBT, educational workshops, and other complementary activities. By the time your rehab treatment draws to an end, you will be much better equipped to handle your addiction going forward and to maximise your chances of getting into long-term recovery.

    Planning for the future

    As you come to the end of your treatment plan at rehab, it is important to focus on what lies ahead once you walk out of the clinic into your new life. Although you have gone through arguably the most intense part of the process, staying in recovery and sobriety will not be easy.

    There will be temptations and potential pitfalls that present themselves as part of everyday life, and you must apply the knowledge you have learned in order to deal with them. To help you succeed with this, you will be encouraged to put together a relapse prevention plan at the clinic.

    This plan, put together with a mental health professional, will help you to stay mindful of the potential dangers to your recovery, and to minimise your risk going forward. You might be advised to stay away from certain places, such as bars, pubs, or casinos.

    You also might be advised to reassess your social circles and cut contact with anyone who is still in active addiction. There will also be proactive steps to take, such as attending regular group therapy meetings at organisations like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

    Staying sober will not be easy, and it will take proactive steps like this for you to stay in recovery for the long term.

    Get started today

    We are here to help you get the treatment that you need. Call OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559 to speak to an OK Rehab advisor. Once we have a better idea of your needs, we can get you into a quality clinic in the Pontefract area, or further afield if you would prefer.

    Rehab will be challenging, but nowhere near as difficult as spending the rest of your life in active addiction. Call OK Rehab today and take the first steps towards a healthy new life in recovery.


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