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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hounslow

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hounslow

    Addiction looks different for each individual who is living with it. Naturally, due to the way it works, people will have similar symptoms, but the way a person addresses it will be unique.

    As such, it’s vital that each person who accesses treatment services is treated as an individual. This includes being provided with a rehab programme that has been tailored especially to suit their needs.

    When people opt for private clinical treatment, they get the best level of care offered in this field in the UK. The truth is, private clinics come with highly trained and experienced staff.

    The teams in the clinics that OK Rehab is connected to provide a comprehensive service.

    What does that mean? It means that the staffing team is made up of several professionals who specialise in particular areas. As a team they work together in order to address your addiction through a holistic approach.

    This way of undergoing treatment means that you are provided with the tools to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many people who have addictions feel lost or isolated.

    The recovery path is about to change this. With the right support, you can acquire a life of health, meaning, and positive social connection.

    When you’re ready to chat to our team of advisors, call us on 0800 326 5559 to ask about treatment options in Hounslow.

    How does addiction change your life?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    When you’re in the depths of it, seeing clearly how addiction has changed your life can be difficult. If you’re a person who has used substances for as long as you can remember, then you might feel as though you can’t see any other way.

    Where a person has problematic use, psychoactive substances affect the mind and body. Not only is there the direct effect that substances have on the brain and organs but also the rippling effects.

    Your body will feel the ongoing effects of toxins that have built up. Eventually, this will cause serious illnesses and diseases. The functioning of the brain reduces and you won’t think as clearly as you would usually.

    The mental health of people who use substances is also affected. This is due to how drugs and alcohol impact the release of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. The thyroid is impacted which means your hormones aren’t regulated.

    With all these imbalances, it’s only a matter of time before people start experiencing serious side effects. Many people with addictions can end up having suicidal thoughts. If you’re ever in this situation, please call your local GP or the Samaritans.

    Along with how you’re personally affected, there is the impact that addiction has on relationships. The majority of addicted people will have very difficult emotional tensions and in some cases, years of stress and worry can build up making communication feel impossible.

    What does going to rehab offer you?

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    Becoming a rehab patient will bring the opportunity to stay for a period of time in order to kick-start your recovery as successfully as possible. People who go to rehab leave sober.

    Some will access services as an outpatient. This means they’ll go to the clinic as and when it is outlined according to whatever treatments they’re prescribed.

    For some this is a brilliant service, for those with a serious addiction, a residential stay is usually necessary before outpatient services are accessed.

    Rehab clinics are relaxed establishments that make you feel welcome and comfortable. Along with your private room, there are communal rooms to spend time with others and clinical rooms where some therapies and medical treatments take place.

    The staff are compassionate and professional. They’re also approachable. When you’re ready to open up, it’s welcome.

    Going to rehab means you’ll need to be willing and ready to participate. If you want to recover, you’ll need to do whatever it takes to enable that. Some of the treatments might include talking about things that are uncomfortable to you.

    It’s important you’re ready to go to that space, but you can also tell your therapists that it makes you feel uncomfortable.

    Psychological therapies are where you will be guided by a psychotherapist to begin deep mental health recovery. This means tapping into the brain and learning the causes and triggers which make you use drugs and alcohol.

    Once these things become clear, you’ll also be shown techniques to help you retrain your thought patterns. This is how healing starts. By retraining your brain, you change your behaviours.

    As well as psychological therapies, there are alternative therapies. These include mindfulness, equine therapy, acupuncture, and yoga. For many people going through rehab, this is the most exciting part as they learn to become comfortable sitting quietly as well as discovering new activities.

    The importance of lifestyle changes after rehab

    A woman smiling

    It’s really helpful trying new activities in rehab clinics because they feel safe and relaxed. What they also do is open up new ways for you to explore life.

    When you develop hobbies and interests, this has great potential in supporting you to stay sober for the rest of your life.

    As well as hobbies, you might change your life in other areas. This might be from redecorating your house so that it feels different to developing new positive friendships.

    Old acquaintances who you used drugs or drank with, sadly, aren’t conducive to an abstinent lifestyle.

    There are also local 12 Step groups in the Hounslow area. These are incredibly brilliant spaces which you can rely on weekly in order to maintain focus on your sobriety.

    Linking to a sponsor (or mentor) can support you in difficult moments in the future.

    Can OK Rehab support me to find a rehab placement in Hounslow?

    Yes, most definitely. The OK Rehab team specialises in supporting people throughout Britain to access rehabilitation services every day.

    We have a wealth of experience and knowledge about addiction and the treatments available.

    A call to our team on 0800 326 5559 can provide you with guidance and a referral to rehab. Contact us now for more information.



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