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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Horley

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Horley

    The process of coming to terms with an addiction, searching for treatment and attending the right rehab can be confusing, challenging, and isolating. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

    With OK Rehab, you can have support and guidance throughout the entirety of your journey to recovery from addiction and can find the best and most beneficial treatment for you in no time.

    We help our clients search for suitable treatment for their addiction, whether that be via an outpatient route, or in a drug and alcohol rehab in Horley. With our speedy admissions process and friendly enquiry team ready to assist you with anything you may need at this vulnerable time, you could soon be on your way to a full and successful recovery with OK Rehab.

    So, why wait? Begin your enquiry – and your new substance-free life – today, by calling us on 0800 326 5559, emailing us, or by filling out our online form with your details.

    Can I recover at home?

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    Over the course of your search for suitable addiction treatment, you may have wondered about the possibilities of recovering at home.

    Though this can be a viable option for some, it is not recommended for most clients attempting to reach a full and long-lasting recovery, especially those who are experiencing more severe drug or alcohol addictions.

    This is because it is much more likely, when recovering at home alone, to come across more dangerous and risky obstacles that could be avoided through professional treatment in a drug and alcohol rehab.

    One of these many obstacles includes the ease at which further substances such as drugs and alcohol can be obtained by the individual withdrawing. It is now easier than ever to get certain substances delivered straight to your front door, making any attempt to avoid them that much more difficult.

    If you are alone in the fight against your addiction, you will face this obstacle twice. A lack of effective support and assistance from others whilst you are attempting to detox and withdraw from your substance of choice can mean the difference between a successful recovery and an early relapse.

    Though some individuals will have a network of support readily available through friends and family, most are not as fortunate. Having no one around to help during this time can make avoiding substances more challenging, relapsing more likely, and detoxing more dangerous.

    A drug and alcohol detox should always be done under the care of professionals, and doing so without this can unnecessarily risk your life and cause further damage to your body.

    By choosing a drug and alcohol rehab in Horley today, you will have access to constant, 24/7 support from our team here at OK Rehab, and the fantastic and highly-trained team at your chosen rehab. We will both be on hand to guide you through a drug or alcohol detox and can offer proper advice and information on all aspects of your recovery to ensure you do not relapse after you leave our care.

    Your progress will also be monitored by staff to help us keep track of your recovery journey and adjust your treatment if necessary.

    Another risk commonly faced when attempting to recover at home is the close proximity to possible triggers in your home environment – triggers that may well have led you to substance use in the first place, or that worsen your mental health and therefore your dependence on drugs or alcohol.

    Whilst these triggers obviously differ from person to person, some of the most common tend to include an abusive relationship, a traumatic past event, a dysfunctional family, pressuring friends, or a stressful job. Attempting to withdraw and recover from your addiction surrounded by the emotional triggers, people and memories that may have caused your addiction will always be much more difficult than if you were to receive treatment in a private and effective drug and alcohol rehab in Horley.

    In a rehab setting you are taken away from these possible triggers and placed in a warm, welcoming environment where you can focus on healing, without any distractions from home. You will have the chance to openly discuss and talk through these triggers with a professional therapist and learn how to recognise and avoid them in the future.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Horley is the best and most effective option if you are hoping to recover from addiction and once again lead a normal life without substances. However, you can get in contact with us today to hear about more options for treatment if you are still unsure about the prospect of rehabilitation.

    Will I need to detox?

    We understand that the drug and alcohol detox is one of the most nerve-wracking steps in a recovery journey. Many individuals will avoid treatment altogether out of fear of experiencing a detox, but the reality of one is far from what TV shows and movies often depict.

    Yes, if you wish to recover from your substance addiction, you will need to undergo a drug or alcohol detox before the rest of your treatment can begin. It is one of the most important and necessary steps to take in the journey to recovery, and it allows your body to rid itself of the substances left behind in your system, meaning you and your body can start to fully heal.

    A detox can last anywhere from a few days to a few months depending on the individual and the addiction, but the average is around 2 weeks. Though some symptoms of withdrawal may last past even a year, this is usually only if the addiction spanned many years, or was very severe before detoxing.

    Common symptoms of drug and alcohol detoxes include shaking, nausea, headaches, muscle pain, fatigue, and dizziness. These should begin to slowly taper off throughout the first week of your detox.

    Some clients may experience Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), which refers to the ongoing side effects of withdrawal, sometimes lasting from a few months to over a year. These continued symptoms of withdrawal are usually more mood-related, rather than the physical side effects that happen in the first few days of a detox.

    PAWS is more common in those who have experienced much more serious drug and alcohol addictions.


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