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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hitchin

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hitchin

    Deciding to rehabilitate from an alcohol or drug addiction is the single most important decision anyone can make. Not only will this significantly increase your quality of life but can improve all areas of your health, both physical and mental.

    Struggling with an addiction can place pressure on your relationships with others, causing them to fail, as well as your career and finances.

    Finding the right rehab clinic can be tough, but with help from OK Rehab, we can make sure you are on track to long-term recovery. With addiction, urgency is key so that means there is no time to wait.

    Contact our team today on 0800 326 5559 and speak to someone who understands.

    Why is it important to act fast?

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    Have you experienced any of the extremely negative effects of substance abuse? If not, you may believe that attending rehab is not needed at this current moment in your life. For others, rehab is their last chance at treating the psychological and physical effects caused by long-term abuse.

    Visiting rehab can be useful for everyone, not just those with severe addictions. If you have been abusing substances for a while it may be in your best interest to attend now, rather than later when you have to deal with a whole host of negative side effects.

    Rehab not only helps treat addiction but is a place of education, should you utilise it correctly. Through workshops and group sessions, you can begin to see how seeking urgent care will always be in your best interest. For this reason, attending rehab as soon as possible can help to reduce the chances of irreversible damage to your health.

    This means that your habit will be a lot easier to manage and programmes such as detoxification will run for a much shorter amount of time, limiting the withdrawal symptoms you may feel.

    There is no denying rehab can be hard, however, with the right support and motivation, you can find yourself ready to begin the next chapter of your life, free from drugs and alcohol.

    Experience these levels of care and more by contacting us today and finding the most suitable clinic in the Hitchin area.

    What are the long-term effects of addiction?


    Abuse of drugs and alcohol can cause a wide range of effects on the body and mind. Whilst it is difficult to determine specifics without knowing your circumstances, negative effects are the general result of substance abuse.

    Of course, the most threatening is the effect on your physical and mental health where substance abuse can cause irreversible damage. This can include damage to your nervous system and organs, as well as an increase in the development of life-changing conditions such as diabetes and tuberculosis, not including death.

    Whilst these things are not experienced by everyone who abuses substances, it is more a general overview of the effects that can be caused by prolonged use.

    Emotional effects can also be experienced such as:

    • A breakdown in relationships with loved ones
    • Negative shifts in family dynamics
    • Loss of career
    • Issues with finances and the law
    • Decreased self-esteem
    • Reduced quality of life

    Many people with addiction often fail to believe that these things can happen to them as they are consumed by the way drugs and alcohol make them feel. At some point, negative effects are inescapable, which is why we ask all prospective clients to reach out before more damage is done.

    Through an intensive rehabilitation programme, you can begin to treat your body and mind, allowing yourself to get back on track and lead a healthy life.

    How can OK Rehab help?

    loved ones

    The thought of rehab can be very overwhelming and make many people too frightened to reach out. We make these FAQ webpages to try and break down the thoughts many people have before reaching out for professional help.

    If you are familiar with any of the effects and feelings mentioned on this page, it sounds highly likely that you would benefit from seeking treatment through one of our incredible partner facilities.

    As previously mentioned, with addiction, urgency is key. With our help, you can begin to find personalised programmes that cater to your every need.

    All we ask is that you begin your journey today by calling us on 0800 326 5559. From here, our team can begin their telephone assessments to determine the most effective treatments you would benefit from whilst in rehab.

    During these assessments, we will ask more about your addiction, so it is best to be as honest as possible. We will also wish to know more about your goals for treatment and if you have a preference for where you attend rehab, if not within the Hitchin area.

    The admissions process is very important as it allows all specifications and personalised plans to be put into place. With this, your chances of recovery will increase as staff are aware of the kinds of treatment needed to help you achieve long-term sobriety.

    Our team promise to make this process as stress-free as possible and ensure confidentiality at all times.

    Turn your life around today

    With our assistance, attending a rehab clinic in Hitchin can be your best chance at turning your life around. Whilst recovery efforts cannot be completely guaranteed, at rehab you will have the chance to rebuild your health and your future.

    Residential rehab is considered the most effective form of addiction treatment and by using our services you can begin to overcome your dependence on drugs and alcohol for good.

    Avoid further damage both emotionally and physically and make the important decision to enter rehab today.

    Whilst you may feel like rehab is unnecessary for you at this current moment, why continue abusing substances only to have to attend a longer programme in the future?

    Contact OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559 and begin an intensive programme, structured around you and your needs.


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