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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hedge End

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hedge End

    People usually take quite a while to realise and admit that they have a problem with drink or drugs. This is especially the case if they often spend time with others who use substances.

    In order to be able to recover, admission of the problem is essential. Only then can the next step be taken, which is the step towards recovery. This, for many, is why denial can be very strong.

    Knowing they’ll then have to seek support to heal can be a daunting prospect.

    Drugs and alcohol are often a coping mechanism that people use to hide their emotions. Having to accept help from professionals to recover might seem like the last thing they want to do.

    However, due to the effects of substances on the physical and psychological health of a person, there comes a moment when treatment is undeniably required.

    There are also the implications that addiction creates in relation to their relationships, finances, jobs, education, and life goals. It’s sadly unavoidable that addiction destroys lives. The only way this disease can be healed is through an open-minded approach to receiving treatment.

    To find out about your rehab options in Hedge End you can speak with OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.

    The benefits of accessing a rehabilitation programme

    bumpy road

    In order to consider the benefits of accessing rehab treatment it’s helpful to think about them in contrast to the problems that arise without going.

    Taking drugs and drinking alcohol regularly has an effect in the following areas:

    1. Physical self

    If you don’t change your life and stay as you are, then the substances are going to keep destroying your body. Alcohol and drugs are seriously toxic and create chronic illnesses in the brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and bladder.

    Some substances destroy the nose cartilage and create skin sores and blood-borne viruses.

    By beginning a rehabilitation programme, you immediately begin the healing journey. If you stay as a resident at a clinic for a period of time, you’ll undergo a detox. This rids the body of substances and toxins.

    With ongoing nurturing of your body through eating well, drinking healthy fluids, and exercising, the body is able to regenerate cells and begin healing.

    This not only improves overall health and well-being, it improves psychological health too.

    2. Psychological self.

    People often use substances to make themselves feel better or as a way to manage their responses to uncomfortable situations. The problem with this is that self-medicating with drugs and alcohol has serious consequences on mental health.

    It creates and exacerbates existing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and psychotic episodes.

    Without changing your current lifestyle you maintain the current headspace you are in. Not only that, substances create memory loss, confusion, poor cognitive functioning, and dementia.

    If you don’t change your mental processing as it is now, your addictive behaviours will remain.

    By having psychological therapies and motivational interviewing, you’re opening yourself up to deeply healing psychological change. Therapists lead their patients to understand how to reframe and manage their thought processes and how to develop new, healthy and positive behaviours.

    3. Your spiritual self and life goals.

    Many people think about what the purpose of life is. This can be an overwhelming issue for many. The truth is, substance misuse can be very much linked to the inability to create meaning or find joy in experiences.

    If you keep taking drugs and alcohol it’s unlikely you’ll ever find true inner peace. The type of peace where you can sit quietly alone or with others and feel relaxed without your mind racing or dampening your outlook.

    Rehab programmes provide activities that encourage you to have inner peace. These activities include yoga, mindfulness, reiki, equine therapy, art, and music therapy. For many, this approach offers new meaning and value to their lives.

    It can often introduce hobbies that people practise into the future to help maintain their sobriety.

    4. Relationships.

    Sadly, addiction ripples out and emotionally drains everybody close to the person who is ill. Addiction can make people become secretive, manipulative, and deceitful. It changes people.

    For many families, really sad and tragic events can take place. These will create tension and strain, and a loss of trust. Without changing, it’s not uncommon for these relationships to totally break down.

    Through rehab programmes, relationships can begin to heal. There are family and couples therapy which support people to open up, be honest, trust and start rebuilding old wounds.

    5. The practical areas:

    Education, employment, finances, and where you live. These are all parts of your life which can be pushed into the background when people are focused on getting their next drink or drug fix.

    Without stopping substance use, your life won’t improve and in fact, all of these areas can crumble.

    Rehab programmes support you to understand how to rectify the damage and identify areas that you want to work on. This helps to support a future that is structurally secure around you.

    What types of rehabilitation options are there in Hedge End?

    group of people walking by sea

    There are government-funded as well as privately funded rehabilitation options in the Hedge End area. It’s really beneficial to compare the outcomes of the two before making your decision as to what will suit you.

    The free government-provided services are stretched and offer a limited number of treatments. There is a timetable of group activities that service users can access.

    Staff have targets to hit and can usually only work with people for a particular length of time before the person’s allotted interventions “run out”.

    Private rehabs have a 98% recovery rate. People are supported to heal by a team of specialist workers and this means that they leave sober.

    They have the tools and the aftercare plan required to live an abstinent lifestyle. Outpatient services are often offered and people are supported twelve months after they leave rehab.

    To find out more about what’s available in Hedge End, contact OK Rehab for a chat on 0800 326 5559. We can explain your options and refer you to a rehab programme.



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