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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Harwich

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Harwich

    Looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Harwich is as simple as one call to OK Rehab. Through our referral service, individuals can be admitted to rehabilitation centres, treatment programmes, and other rehabilitation services as soon as today.

    All it takes is one call, and one admissions consultation, before you can be enrolled into rehabilitation.

    Call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 for free and professional advice. Every call is handled confidentially, and our friendly staff will be happy to discuss any issue relating to addiction.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Harwich

    Men talking during 1-1 therapy

    Many individuals are unsure about the processes of rehabilitation, as well as the methods and therapies that may be a part of this.

    If this is the situation you feel yourself in, then OK Rehab understands that this can be a nerve-wracking and anxious experience. Entering rehabilitation is a big decision, so having an understanding of it, even basic knowledge is highly recommended.

    Start today by reading through some of our web pages, or by calling our addiction hotline on 0800 326 5559 to learn more about the process of rehabilitation and what may be most suitable for you.

    With decades of experience helping people from all over the UK, OK Rehab is ready to help you. Thousands of individuals go through our referral service every year, and we only suggest the establishments with the highest quality of care.

    Contact us on 0800 326 5559 to learn more about referrals and entering rehabilitation.

    Assessing whether or not an individual is suffering from addiction

    A young woman in a therapy session talking

    Before an individual enters rehabilitation, they need to understand their relationship with drugs and alcohol.

    Having a basic understanding of the origins of their addiction, as well as being able to openly talk about their addiction are vital factors to an individual’s recovery.

    If you believe that you are suffering from addiction, it may be helpful to take a look at the next paragraph concerning the signs and symptoms of addiction for further clarification.

    Common signs and symptoms presented with addiction

    Though these are not present in all cases of addiction, listed below are some of the most common signs and symptoms of addiction to recognise in yourself or in someone you know:

    • Difficulty in reducing and stopping substance usage
    • Desire to continue usage of a substance, despite negative consequences
    • Development or worsening of mental health problems
    • Suffering from significant withdrawal symptoms in between uses
    • Substance use is starting to affect the individual’s career, finances, and relationships
    • Deterioration of quality of life, as a result of drugs and alcohol

    Some of the factors listed above can refer to both substance misuse and abuse, so being able to tell the difference is an important step.

    If you would like more help in understanding addiction, identifying a potential addiction problem, or learning more about addiction in general, please call the OK Rehab team today on 0800 326 5559.

    How to find suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Harwich

    A woman in therapy

    If, after considering these options, you feel as though you are living with an addiction, then rest assured that you are in one of the best places to seek help.

    OK Rehab has helped thousands of individuals by suggesting and admitting them to dedicated and specialised centres, just for their specific needs. There are almost countless rehabilitation options in the UK, so finding the most suitable one for you is of utmost concern.

    By assessing several personal factors, OK Rehab can get a more accurate picture of your addiction needs and suggest several different options from our referral service.

    Though it is possible to contact these service providers directly, OK Rehab provides step-by-step care and support, helping you through every stage of the rehabilitative process as you go.

    Therapy and other addiction treatment programmes

    Group therapy session

    Generally, and after a period of detoxification, individuals move on to additional addiction treatment programs such as therapy and alternative treatments.

    Most commonly, individuals will undergo one-to-one addiction counselling or group talking therapy. Both are good methods to confront addiction and get a better understanding of the addiction concerned.

    Additionally, activities such as family drug support, relapse risk prevention, and art and music therapy can be used to help others recover.

    To get a more in-depth understanding of these treatments, please take a look at some of our other location pages or ask your questions to a member of our team on 0800 326 5559.

    Dual diagnosis and its application in rehabilitation

    A young person in therapy

    Dual diagnosis refers to the presence of a mental health condition in addition to the other physical and mental effects of addiction.

    This is generally more common for those who have been suffering for a longer time with addiction and can include mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, paranoia, and more serious behavioural changes.

    Centres and service providers that cater towards dual diagnosis treatments provide a combination of physical and mental treatments, including the ones mentioned above as well as many additional therapies and treatments.

    Call our addiction hotline on 0800 326 5559 to learn more about dual diagnosis.

    Residential rehabilitation – is it suitable for me?

    A cognitive therapy session

    Residential rehab is generally more suitable for those who have been suffering for a longer period, or those who have suffered more seriously from addiction.

    Residential rehab allows individuals to entirely focus on their recovery, away from the triggers and distractions of their previous addictive lifestyles.

    OK Rehab will only make recommendations for residential rehab where it is necessary, or where it is decided to be the best option for the client. We only recommend the highest quality of care for rehab centres, as well as maintaining good communication between those centres that are providing the most modern addiction treatments.

    Contact OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 for more information or to learn more about the treatments that may be most suitable for you.


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