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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Gwynedd

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Gwynedd

    Deciding to enter a rehab facility can be daunting but with help from OK Rehab, our team can support you every step of the way.

    Finding the most suitable clinic can be challenging for many people, especially those struggling with severe addictions. Fortunately, this is where we can step in. By contacting our team on 0800 326 5559, we can begin to find the best rehab clinic that suits your needs.

    We want you to feel as supported as possible and our team can offer assistance, day or night, 24/7.

    Recovery can be a possibility for you if you are ready to end your addiction. By reading this webpage we hope you can find out more about the treatment programmes on offer in the Gwynedd area and the benefits private rehab can provide.

    With a multitude of services on offer, you can choose from standalone detox programmes or combine them with therapies.

    Do I need to go to rehab?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    Knowing when to attend rehab can be difficult. If your consumption of substances is impacting every area of your life, it may well be the right time.

    Below are some key questions to ask yourself if you believe you may be struggling with an addiction.

    Have you noticed changes in your physical and mental health?

    Addiction to drugs and alcohol can impact your health in many ways. From increased heart rate to organ failure. Rehab should be considered if you are feeling the effects of addiction within your body and mind.

    Do you engage in dangerous behaviours although you understand the effects of addiction?

    Driving under the influence is very dangerous not only for yourself but for others. Being unable to control whether or not you drive when intoxicated is a huge indication that professional help is needed.

    Are your relationships suffering?

    Addiction can cause your relationships to break down due to the effects substances have on the brain. You may not feel like yourself and if you are withdrawing or unable to get hold of drugs or alcohol, may even get violent with others.

    If friends and family have noticed your substance abuse and are urging you to seek help, try and listen.

    Is your career also suffering?

    As previously mentioned, addiction can destroy all aspects of your life. You may find yourself taking off more days from work which can cause your career to crumble.

    This can also lead to financial trouble as you spend your wages on consuming further damaging substances. If this sounds like you, reach out to our team today.

    How can OK Rehab help me?

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    Once you call us on the telephone number provided, the first thing we will do is find out more about the severity of your addiction. This is called a pre-admission assessment and can allow us to determine the most effective treatment route.

    Based on the information you give us we can gauge a further look into whether inpatient or outpatient treatment will be effective for you.

    We understand that this may be the first time you have openly spoken about your addiction, especially in a professional environment. Whilst it can feel incredibly unsettling, we urge you to remain as honest as possible.

    This will allow us to recommend the most suitable forms of treatment. Many of our staff are also in recovery so understand how rehab can benefit those struggling with addictions.

    By working with our team, we can begin to find a clinic that offers a personalised programme suited to your requirements and goals for recovery.

    What are the benefits of rehab?

    woman running in sunset

    Rehab is often considered a lifeline by many clients. Professional care can offer a deeper level of support for you and can minimise any future risk of relapse.

    By entering a residential facility, you can access bespoke services all under one roof. Committing to a treatment programme allows you to actively remove yourself from triggers and distractions associated with your home environment.

    Rehab can allow you to access high-quality care given by medical professionals. From observed detoxes to holistic therapies, professional services will ensure you can focus on entering recovery safely and healthily.

    Addiction can not only cause damage to your physical health but also your mental health. As a result of this, you may find that your relationships with loved ones become strained or damaged.

    By completing leading addiction treatments, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, you can begin to take back control of your addiction and lead a life of sobriety. Family therapy is also offered by many facilities which can allow you to repair your relationships in a neutral environment.

    This form of therapy can also allow your family to understand more about your addiction and how they can support you upon the completion of treatment.

    What will happen after treatment concludes?

    A man reading in bed

    Having a support network is vital to your success once you complete treatment. Whether it is made up of friends, family, or others in recovery, your support network can help motivate you during your first twelve months of recovery.

    By opting for private care, you will also be able to access aftercare offered by your chosen clinic. This usually consists of weekly meetings and therapy sessions to monitor your progress and success upon your return home.

    Transitioning back home can be tough, but with our support, we can help every step of the way. Although distractions may be present, your newly learned coping mechanisms and relapse prevention plans, made whilst in rehab, can help you succeed in recovery.

    Change your life today and call OK Rehab

    The clinics we work with are passionate about making long-lasting, positive changes in the lives of all clients. Through tailored programmes and medical observations, you can rest assured that private rehab will help you through this time of hardship.

    Begin your admission process today by contacting OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559. The sooner you call, the sooner we can begin to secure your place in a rehab clinic most suitable for you.


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