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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Esher

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Esher

    Substance abuse is a serious topic of conversation and it can affect many people.

    If you are seeking a drug and alcohol rehab in the Esher area, we can help you face your addictions head first.

    Many people who become addicts find it difficult to accept their current circumstances as they do not realise that they have a problem.

    They may even deny they have an issue with drugs or alcohol and continuing using them.

    However, eventually the negative effects of substance abuse comes to the surface and it becomes nearly impossible to not address it.

    It may even damage your close relationships or hinder you from living a productive and healthy life.

    Are You Ready To Get Help For Your Addiction?

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    Those with addiction can find themselves reaching rock bottom as they battle with feelings of worthless and utter despair.

    Fortunately, when one reaches rock bottom there is the potential to go upwards and recover.

    It is crucial in this moment to be able to recognise that you are at rock bottom and reach out for help.

    At OK Rehab, we can aid you in minimising your attachment to drugs and alcohol.

    Addiction can create many problems in an individuals life.

    This is why it is important to notice when you are struggling with drugs or alcohol.

    Hitting rock bottom may even give you the urge to decide to turn your life around.

    After all, it is easier to fix a problem when you become aware of it.

    If you want to take the first steps towards recovery by visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Esher, send us a message via the chat box, or reach out to us by telephone number add on 0800 326 5559.

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    Healing from addiction is not simple and requires you to address your negative behaviours and take ownership for the problems that it has caused in the past.

    It means being honest with yourself and others about the steps you are going to take and how you will work towards recovery.

    At OK Rehab we have professional referral services which will guide you towards a drug and alcohol rehab that will suit you in the Esher area.

    This will also exhibit the benefits of choosing a top, paid rehab programme as opposed to cheap or solo attempts at recovery.

    In a professional environment you will be given the best possible chances at leaving your old addictive habits in the past.

    We also know that there is not one identical path of addiction and that everyone has a different, unique experience with it.

    This is why we will also be able to provide personalised programmes which will aid you in becoming the best possible version of yourself.

    We know that many of those who struggle with addiction are apprehensive and dubious about the process of recovery, but our team is always available to answer any questions or provide professional guidance on any queries you have relating to your journey.

    Choosing The Correct Treatment Option

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    When one chooses recovery, one of the first questions they must ask themselves is how will they recover and what methods they will put in place to ensure this.

    In a state of despair and desperation, some even find themselves opting for free and easily accessible treatment options and they want to recover fast with no financial strings attached.

    Whilst this may seem like a favourable option in theory, in reality there are many drawbacks to not choosing a professional service.

    In the context of long-term recovery success levels, these cheap or free methods are not the best option if you can afford it.

    They can even make your addiction worse as they can increase feelings of worthlessness and shame at not being able to recover.

    This can then lead you to relapse further as you may come to believe that you are unable to detach from addiction.

    If you want to take the first steps towards recovery by visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Esher, send us a message via the chat box, or reach out to us by telephone number add on 0800 326 5559.

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    In contemporary society, there can be a stigma around reaching out for help.

    In this light, there has been a lot of encouragement towards carrying out detoxing at home with home detox kits and advice on how to cope with addiction by yourself.

    However, this can mean that individuals are less likely to put themselves forward to a rehabilitation centre as they could be perceived as weak.

    Whilst it is beneficial to encourage people struggling with addictions to try and help themselves, for individuals with stronger dependences on drugs and alcohol, they may need extra support and guidance in a professional manner.

    At OK Rehab we take extra care to ensure that every individual gets the help that they need and remind them that it is ok to reach out for help.

    Addiction can be physical, psychological, or both.

    This is why it is strongly encouraged for individuals with addiction issues to opt for a professional rehab programme as opposed to a free or cheap option.

    a woman in a therapy session sitting on a sofa

    Recovery in a professional environment will not only be safer, but can also prevent any delays that other methods could cause.

    If you do opt to attend a paid rehabilitation centre in the Esher area, you will also be able to access our cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy and group counselling sessions.

    Working closely with a therapist or your peers can equip you with the skills you need for when you leave rehab, as well as examining your thoughts and behaviours so that you can repair any relationships that have been damaged due to your experience with addiction.

    Ironically, if you choose a free or cheap service to help you recover you could actually experience further financial hardship.

    With lower success rates being linked to these methods of recovery, it may actually lengthen your experience with addiction and hinder any progressive efforts.

    We want to prioritise your health and safety above everything else.

    If you want to take the first steps towards recovery by visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Esher, send us a message via the chat box, or reach out to us by telephone number add on 0800 326 5559.

    Advised Timescale For Recovery

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    One of the important things that individuals with addiction issues want to know is the time period it will take to recover.

    If you choose to attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Esher, you may be eager to recover fast so you can return to your normal life and resume your job.

    The good news is that by choosing a professional service with a treatment programme that is catered to you, you will have the best possible chance to heal from addictions in the long term.

    It usually takes around 28 days to break a habit so this is a rough estimate of the length of your stay.

    However, some individuals have stronger attachment to alcohol and drugs may require to stay longer as they would feel too vulnerable to temptation when they rehab.

    In cases like these, they want to become stronger so that they can implement healthy boundaries when they leave rehab.

    Whilst choosing to attend rehab is a crucial step in recovery, it is essential to understand that visiting a drugs and alcohol rehab centre may not mean that you will never struggle with addictions again in your life time.

    In order to recover fully, you will need to commit to long term healing.

    Contact Us

    Man crying on the phone

    If you want to take the first steps towards recovery by visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Esher, send us a message via the chat box, or reach out to us by telephone number add on 0800 326 5559.


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