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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Dunfermline

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Dunfermline

    At OK Rehab, we provide rehab referrals for people all over the United Kingdom, including here in Dunfermline. We do this through a brief consultation, where we ask some questions about how addiction has affected your life, and what your needs and circumstances are in terms of recovery.

    To speak with one of our team, please give us a call on 0800 326 5559. All calls are treated confidentially and are free from all UK landlines.

    If you would like us to call you back at a more convenient time, we can arrange that. In the meantime, please read through the information below to get a better idea of what rehab involves, and how we can help you to get into treatment.

    Overcoming addiction denial


    Often, the biggest obstacle in terms of someone getting addiction help is staying in denial. Some people will try to claim that their substance abuse is just a result of an acutely stressful time that they are experiencing, such as a work project, family trouble, or losing a loved one.

    However, the truth is that life will always present challenges, and abusing drugs or alcohol will never help – it can only make things worse. If you’re concerned about someone else who won’t admit that they have a problem, we can provide advice on arranging an intervention for that person that is constructive and effective.

    Sometimes this is the best way to get through to a person about their addiction.

    The benefits of rehab

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    If you read through the various studies that have been conducted about recovery, there is no question about it – rehab is the most effective method there is of treating addiction.

    This is because you have access to all of the treatments you need in the same place, including detox and therapy.

    You also have the comfort of recovering among a small community of others who are going through the same thing. At the clinics we refer to, you will also have a very high standard of comfort and amenities when it comes to your accommodation. Everything you need is right there on site.

    Attending rehab further away from home

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    We have links with a number of private clinics here in the Dunfermline area, but it may be the case that you would prefer to attend rehab somewhere further away. This is entirely possible, but you should consider whether it is the right choice for you.

    Most people prefer to stay nearer to home, either for proximity to their support network or just for convenience. If you are looking to attend rehab as an outpatient, you would need to stay close to home so that there is minimal travelling distance.

    Outpatient care is only recommended a small percentage of the time – this is something that we can discuss during the consultation phase.

    Detox at rehab

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    Although it can be challenging, going through detox is a vital part of the journey to recovery. At your rehab clinic, you will have professional assistance with this.

    Your detox will be managed and monitored by a team of specialist clinicians, who can help you through any discomfort or pain you are experiencing. In the case of opiates or alcohol, these symptoms can be pretty severe, including muscle pains, insomnia, vomiting, and chronic headaches.

    Because of how difficult detox can be, you should never try to do it by yourself – in fact, this is extremely dangerous, often resulting in seizures or death. Leave your detox to the professionals at the rehab clinic.

    Mental health treatment at rehab

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    Addiction often goes hand-in-hand with poor mental health and destructive behaviours. In fact, mental illness can be both the cause and the effect of substance abuse and addiction.

    At rehab, you will be able to explore these issues in a healthy, constructive way, under the guidance of mental health professionals. They will put together a treatment plan for you, which will likely include counselling, group therapy sessions, and cognitive behavioural therapy.

    The idea of this plan is that you gain a better knowledge of yourself and a clearer understanding of addiction. You will also be taught some highly valuable coping techniques for staving off your addiction in the future.

    Skip the waiting lists

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    When it comes to treating addiction, time is always a factor, and the sooner you start treatment, the better. If you were to seek a rehab placement through public health services, you would likely be placed on a waiting list for treatment.

    You could be waiting for months before starting treatment, depending on what level of priority you are deemed to be. With private rehab, this is not a consideration.

    Once you agree to take up a placement at a private clinic, you can be there within a day or two, starting your treatment. This can be incredibly valuable in terms of mitigating the harm that you are causing yourself and others through substance abuse.

    Help with finances

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    With private rehab, every different clinic has different pricing. As rehab is a considerable investment, we understand that figuring out how to afford rehab may be a big concern.

    This is one of the issues that we can provide advice on when you call us. We can discuss any finance options that you might have available to you.

    Your personal budget will also be a consideration when we conduct our consultation – we wouldn’t refer you to a clinic that was way out of your price range.

    The timeframe of recovery

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    We are often asked how long it will take to get through rehab. Most patients tend to stay at rehab for a period of about 28 days, which gives them enough time to go through the various stages of treatment.

    This varies in some cases, and can take a little longer – for example, if a person has a lengthier detox, perhaps from opiates or alcohol, this can have a knock-on effect on the rest of their treatment, in terms of time.

    Overall, you’re looking at a timeframe of about a month.

    Call Ok Rehab today

    We hope that you found the information above useful. If you would like to ask anything else about rehab or are ready to go ahead with your consultation, please call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Our team are highly trained, sympathetic, and discreet. They will be more than happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that you have.

    Within a few days, we could have you in a great rehab clinic receiving the best possible standard of treatment. Leave the misery of substance abuse in the past and get help today. We can help you to transform your future.


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