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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clevedon

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Clevedon

    The motivation to stop using drugs and alcohol can be hard to find. For the majority, it will take years before the person is ready to admit there is a problem.

    Where a problem exists, one is faced with the decision of whether finding the solution is important.

    Of course, where addiction exists, the solution is recovery. This is gained through accessing rehabilitation services.

    Recovery is important in order for a person to regain control of their life and health.

    The issue is that quitting psychoactive substances isn’t easy to achieve for anyone who has a problem with the way they use.

    This is because of the way substances affect the brain and body so deeply.

    A person is altered by them on a physical, psychological, and emotional level.

    Often, people turn to substances to try and regulate their moods and support themselves through difficult times.

    Although this might be a short-term “fix”, it results in seriously damaging consequences down the line.

    There are a few things people need in order to recover from substance addiction.

    They need to be mentally open to doing whatever it takes to support themselves, they need to be willing to change lifestyle behaviours, and they need treatment.

    OK Rehab can guide you through all the rehab treatment options in the Clevedon area on a phone call to 0800 326 5559.

    Addiction within the family

    An older man and child

    When a person has an addiction, it tends to affect everyone close to them.

    It’s a disease that ripples out affecting people’s feelings, family dynamics, the working environment, your ability to retain a job or manage a household.

    With so many people and circumstances affected, you will inevitably have some of those close to you asking you to “please stop using drink and drugs”. Some might beg you.

    This can result in a very difficult situation because a lot of the time you will want desperately to stop yourself. This can result in you saying that you’re going to stop. Promising this, even.

    Sadly, the nature of addiction as a disease means that you are unable to just quit. There needs to be professional input and a lot of changes made in order for this to happen.

    When your close ones see that you are still using, they might accuse you of lying. This can be devastating for all parties.

    The words and behaviours around addictive use can be really difficult to manage. Many people will become secretive and try to hide things and this, in some ways, can make the situation much worse.

    Now, what really becomes an issue is when people start asking you to quit and this drives you to think about recovery from a place where you don’t feel yourself.

    Ask yourself, “What is driving me towards recovery?”

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    It’s really helpful to ask yourself why you want to start the recovery process. Many people beginning treatments want to recover because it will improve their health, or relationships because they’re sick of the situation. There are so many reasons.

    Some people, however, will begin recovery because they have been coerced by someone close to them. While this might come from a place of love and worry, beginning rehabilitation because someone else wants you to rather than you making this decision for yourself has to be acknowledged.

    Now, if you are in this situation, it’s useful to bear in mind that even if you don’t want to stop using drink or drugs, rehabilitation services can be useful. You can gain access to harm reduction advice and learn ways to try and stay healthy and manage your life more effectively as much as possible while the problem exists.

    The reality is, though, your recovery is only likely to be achievable if you want to stop using drinks and drugs for your own reasons.

    OK Rehab can guide you through all the rehab treatment options in the Clevedon area on a phone call to 0800 326 5559.

    How to find rehab services in Clevedon that will support your needs

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    When you reach a point of wanting to access rehabilitation services, you’ll be faced with many options and decisions. This can be quite a daunting position to be in, especially when you’re also trying to manage the addiction itself.

    The OK Rehab team offers support for people throughout the UK who are in your situation. There are many in Clevedon who are accessing local services through our referral programme.

    The benefit of accessing treatment through us is that we provide an individualised approach to supporting you.

    When you contact us, we will find out a bit about you. We hold a free pre-assessment which allows us to understand more about your lifestyle, the addiction, and what you want your future to look like.

    We work with rehab clinics up and down the country. This means we understand the services and treatments they offer and what programmes would suit the individual we’re speaking to.

    With our support, we can find and secure you a rehab placement in the Clevedon area or further afield. This conversation can be discussed with the OK Rehab team.

    Some people prefer to stay local while others prefer to go far away. There are benefits and drawbacks to both, of course. It really boils down to what will be most useful for you.

    OK Rehab can guide you through all the rehab treatment options in the Clevedon area on a phone call to 0800 326 5559.

    What you gain by going to rehab at a private clinic…

    There are many benefits to entering rehab. For the person who has struggled with addiction and issues linked to that they will begin psychological therapies that will support them to recover. This means addressing causes and learning how to change behaviours.

    For a person who stays for a period of time at a clinic, they will become sober. This eliminates the toxins that have been building up in the body. This can result in emotional ups and downs, but staff are on hand to support you through this.

    There are aftercare services meaning that on leaving rehab you have a clear focus on what to do going forward. This supports you to gain a life of sobriety.

    Find out all you need to know about drug and alcohol rehab services in Clevedon by calling OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559.



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