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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Brighton

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Brighton

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Brighton

    Click the links below for help with drug and alcohol addiction in Brighton

    Whether or not we like to admit it, alcohol misuse and drug abuse are a huge part of life in modern Britain, particularly where nightlife is concerned.

    Rehab in Brighton can help you to find recovery and stay sober.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Brighton Stats – What are the Statistics for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton?

    Type of family with parental drug and alcohol issues Brighton and Hove England
    Parent living with children 13% 18%
    Other child contact – living with children 2% 6%
    Parent not living with children 23% 30%
    Not a parent and not in contact with children 62% 46%

    On the surface, this culture of drinking and casual drug use may seem vibrant and somewhat alluring, but as many people know, there is a much darker side to alcohol and drug use, with hundreds of thousands of people across the country falling into addiction.

    If you find that your drug and/or alcohol misuse has caused noticeable damage to your personal relationships, your love life, your career, or your physical or mental health, it is likely that you have developed an addiction.

    If this is the case, then the best possible thing you can do is to go to rehab.

    What’s Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton Like?

    At a drug and alcohol rehab in Brighton, you will have access to the highest levels of professional care for every part of the drug and alcohol recovery process.

    There is no other way of getting all of that treatment at the same time, in the same location. This is one of the reasons why the recovery success rates of rehab is so high compared to other addiction treatment options.

    At OK Rehab, we have the ability to refer you to a rehab centre in Brighton that will work for you and to get you in there as soon as possible.

    We only refer to private rehab facilities, which means that there will be a financial cost involved in your treatment.

    By the same token, attending rehab in Brighton privately means that you will not have to be on any kind of waiting list and will be able to start your addiction treatment programme swiftly.

    Here at OK rehab, we’re ready to help you find support for a wide range of addictions, including:

    You can call us on 0800 326 5559 if you are ready to speak to one of our advisors and start the referral process for your drug and alcohol rehab options in Brighton.

    We know this is a big step to take, so perhaps you would like to read the information below before calling in order to give you a better understanding of what we do.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    OK Rehab – How We Can Help Fight Drug Addition & Substance Abuse With Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton

    A woman smiling at a CQC registered addiction centre in Brighton

    Here at OK Rehab, our main purpose is simple – to get those who need help with drug addiction and alcoholism into an appropriate rehab facility, as soon as possible.

    We are experts in rehabilitation and recovery in Brighton, with a detailed knowledge of the various different rehab facilities and addiction treatment programmes within the Brighton area.

    This means that we are able to pick out a facility that is absolutely the right fit for you and your needs around recovery.

    We will also be able to provide free advice on local Brighton rehab programmes and give informed answers to any questions or concerns that you may have, such as how you might afford rehabilitation, or who will take care of your dependents while you are away receiving treatment.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Recovering From Drug and Alcohol Addiction & Substance Abuse at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton

    Recovery from substance abuse is absolutely possible with rehab in Brighton, but it requires a sincere, earnest commitment on your part.

    At rehab, you will need to accept the fact that you have a substance addiction, and that your life has become unmanageable because of it.

    This is the first, and most necessary step towards recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

    You should be aware going in that recovery will not be easy – far from it.

    You will be forced to examine your own behaviour and actions at rehab in Brighton, as well as being challenged by others.

    You may need to delve into some underlying issues that you have been avoiding, and that may be at the heart of your addiction.

    A rehab treatment programme in Brighton can provide all of the support and security necessary to give you the best chances of success.

    What Happens at Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Brighton?

    At drug and alcohol rehabilitation, you will be guided through the addiction recovery process by a series of trained professionals.

    Inpatient programmes provide a residential rehab service in Brighton, allowing recoverees to live at the rehab clinic whilst receiving treatment and support 24/7.

    Alternatively, outpatient treatment programmes provide support whilst the patient continues to live at home and carry on with the majority of their daily life, providing a less thorough but often easier-to-access form of addiction treatment.

    Whether outpatient or residential treatment is right for you will depend on a range of personal factors you can discuss with our experts.

    Rehab Aftercare in Brighton – What Happens When I Leave Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton?

    Once you leave your rehab programme, you will need to continue to fight your addiction in a proactive manner, rather than just assuming that you are ‘cured’.

    In terms of addiction, a ‘cure’ does not exist, but this does not mean that you cannot remain in recovery for the rest of your life.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Brighton – Is it Worth It?

    Although the process of drug and alcohol recovery will be challenging and perhaps draining, the reward is a life free from the abject misery of substance abuse. It is a price worth paying.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Alcohol Rehab & Drug Rehab in Brighton: Rehab Step-by-Step

    Two people hugging after drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Brighton

    Two people hugging after drug and alcohol rehab in Brighton

    It may be that you are considering the idea of going to a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Brighton for help with drug addiction and alcoholism, but you still have very little knowledge about what the process actually involves.

    Below, we have laid out an approximate timeline of the process, from the moment you call us up to the day you walk out of rehabilitation in Brighton and into your new life.

    Hopefully, after reading the information below, you will have a much clearer idea of what is involved.

    If you still have more questions, please call us on 0800 326 5559 to speak with a trained advisor, who will be happy to help.

    1. Assessment for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton

    The first step of the rehab process in Brighton is to call us whenever you are ready. From there, we will be able to start your personal assessment, in which we will ask a series of questions about how addiction has affected you up until this point.

    This will include your addiction history, the severity of your addiction, your past attempts to recover and experiences of relapse, your home recovery environment and other factors of your addiction journey.

    The purpose of this is to get a clearer picture of you as a human being, and your current life circumstances. This will mean that we are able to make an informed decision on which rehab facility in Brighton to refer you to.

    Some of the questions we ask you may be perceived as being quite personal, and we do understand that you may be hesitant to discuss drug and alcohol addiction with a stranger.

    We will not pass on your information to any third party without your express consent, and we are bound by all applicable data regulations of the United Kingdom.

    We treat your discussion and rehab details with the strictest of confidence.

    2. Admission

    Once we have identified the right facility and talked you through the practicalities, we can help you begin a drug or alcohol rehab programme in Brighton within a matter of days.

    As we only refer to private facilities, there will be no need to wait on a waiting list, meaning that you can get the treatment that you need as soon as possible.

    This is an important factor in securing positive recovery success rates – the sooner you can get help from rehab, the better.

    When you arrive, you will be welcomed and shown around by a member of staff and have a chance to settle into the facility.

    You’ll meet addiction specialists, qualified recovery nurses and other addiction recoverees, before moving on to the first stage of your rehab programme in Brighton – ridding your body of any remaining toxins and getting into sobriety.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    3. Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton and near Brighton – Rehab Detox

    Detox at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Brighton

    Detox at rehab in Brighton is a key step of most drug and alcohol recovery journeys, as you might expect.

    The detox process is necessary for addictions that cause physical dependence – such as alcohol, heroin and other opiates.

    Substances like cannabis and cocaine do not trigger a physical dependence, so cocaine detox (for example) is not necessary at rehab in Brighton.

    During rehabilitation, you will have the opportunity to undergo detoxification in order to break a drug or alcohol dependence.

    This will come with full medical supervision every step of the way, including the use of specialist drug and alcohol detox medication such as Librium, which can help to keep withdrawal symptoms to a minimum and make breaking your dependency on alcohol or drugs easier.

    The medical professionals at the rehab treatment centre are there to help you through the challenges of withdrawal.

    These can be mental, physical or both.

    What are Physical Symptoms of Withdrawal at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Brighton?

    Physical symptoms of withdrawal may include profuse shaking and/or sweating, muscle pain, chronic headaches, and general nausea.

    On the psychological side of withdrawal at rehab in Brighton, you may experience irritability, anxiety, sleeplessness, low energy, or any combination of the above.

    During a medical detox, qualified recovery nurses will be able to help you through these symptoms without damaging your chances of recovery.

    Although the process of medical detoxification at rehab is very challenging for many, it is absolutely necessary for anyone who is still using a physically addictive substance.

    Please note that you do not have to begin the detox phase or reduce your substance intake before arriving at rehab in Brighton – in fact, we very strongly advise against doing so.

    Many people who try to start the drug or alcohol detox phase by themselves end up suffering seizures or even death – it is extremely dangerous, and you should not attempt to do it.

    Detoxification at rehab in Brighton is a delicate process that you should leave to the professionals. This is why inpatient detoxification is often strongly advised for those suffering from severe addiction problems.

    If you have an alcohol addiction, or are deemed to be suffering from severe alcohol misuse, it is likely that you will be urged to reduce your alcohol intake gradually over time.

    The whole process can take up to 10 days.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    4. Addiction Therapy at Rehab – Treatment Options at Rehab in Brighton and near Brighton

    Two people in therapy at a CQC registered addiction centre in Brighton

    Going through detoxification successfully means that you will have a clear, focused mind, and will be able to engage in the most valuable part of your stay at your chosen rehab clinic in Brighton – your therapy sessions.

    Your therapy plan will be set out ahead of time, in the form of a personalised treatment plan.

    This will differ slightly for each drug and alcohol rehab service user, depending on a number of factors, including the severity of your addiction, and your other personal characteristics and needs.

    Your rehab plan in Brighton will undoubtedly include some kind of regular group therapy, as well as individual addiction counselling treatments.

    It is also likely to include some combination of dialectal behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational therapy, art therapy, and others.

    The goal of rehab therapy and counselling treatments at an addiction treatment centre is to give you a better understanding of your addiction and to deal with the psychological or emotional issues lying underneath it.

    Throughout rehab in Brighton, you will also be trained and educated on things like stress management, in order to give you the tools that you need to fight cravings or other challenging episodes that crop up.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Rehab Alternatives – Free Addiction Treatment Services in Brighton and Near Brighton

    Below is a list of rehab alternatives and organisations that offer free support for drug addiction and alcoholism in and around Brighton:

    1. Oasis Project

    Address: 11 Richmond Pl, Brighton BN2 9NA

    Telephone: 01273 604246


    2. C G L | Brighton and Hove Recovery Service

    Address: Richmond House, Richmond Rd, Brighton BN2 3FT

    Telephone: 01273 731900


    3. St Thomas Fund Residential Rehabilitation Service

    Address: 58 Cromwell Rd, Hove BN3 3ES

    Telephone: 01273 823762


    You can also call a helpline, such as Mind UKYoungMindsRethink Mental IllnessSamaritans and PapyrusSMART Recovery or find an Alcoholics Anonymous in Brighton, Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous meeting that’s near to you.

    The NHS are also there to provide you with guidance.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Relapse Prevention in Brighton – Alcoholics Anonymous and Other Services After Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Brighton

    A woman jogging as part of rehab aftercare in Brighton

    As you approach the end of your addiction treatment programme at rehab, you will find that you have come a very long way.

    After going through detox, becoming sober, and going through extensive therapy, you may feel like a completely different person than you did when you arrived.

    As great as it is to acknowledge your healthy progress at rehab, it is important to stay focused on your ongoing recovery – particularly as pertains to staying in recovery once you leave your treatment centre.

    Fighting addiction is a lifelong challenge, and staying in recovery and sobriety will require proactive participation from you.

    This is the thinking behind one of the most important activities that you will do during your rehab programme – putting together your relapse prevention plan.

    With the aid of a rehab professional, you will put together a concrete plan for maximising your chances of staying sober once you leave the controlled environment of a rehabilitation centre and go back into the wider world.

    This may include staying away from a particular social circle if they are still using, for example. It will also likely include recommendations for attending some kind of ongoing support group, such as AA meeting Brighton.

    It need not necessarily be a 12-step recovery model programme at rehab, but group therapy is likely to be beneficial in the ongoing challenge of staying in recovery.

    What is Aftercare After Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Brighton?

    Hearing the stories of others – and having a sympathetic ear for your own – can be a big help in aiding addiction recovery.

    That’s why aftercare is placed so highly in modern addiction recovery plans, providing a clear framework to formalise the support that is so often needed to stay sober after rehab.

    Most addiction treatment services will offer 12 months of free aftercare support following the completion of an addiction treatment programme.

    This includes the aforementioned release prevention planning and support sessions, as well as making provisions for further therapies accessed on an outpatient basis, ongoing meetings with an addiction support worker to monitor your progress, temporary access to sober living houses to help ease the transition out of rehab, and access to more specialised support groups such as SMART Recovery, Al-Anon Family Meetings and Narcotics Anonymous (NA meeting Brighton).

    All of these drug and alcohol services help to reinforce the determination to stay sober which can make the difference between a successful first year of sobriety or an unfortunate relapse.

    Even in the case of relapse, a rehab aftercare programme can help to contain the damage and get the addiction sufferer back on track as quickly and safely as possible.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Rehab in Brighton – Alcohol & Drug Addiction & Substance Abuse Help at Rehab in Brighton

    Before rehab, it’s important to accept and acknowledge that you have developed an addiction and to commit to changing your life for the better.

    If you are ready to do that, please give us a call today on 0800 326 5559. Our team of friendly advisors are waiting to speak to you and will be happy to help you with anything you need to know about your local treatment options.

    All the drug & alcohol rehabilitation centres in England and Wales that we work with have to be registered and audited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

    Going to a rehab treatment centre is a big step, but if you are suffering from addiction, it is the most positive thing you could ever do. Invest in a healthy, sober future that will benefit you and your loved ones.

    OK Rehab offers rehab support across the UK, including across Bournemouth, Southampton, Sussex, Kent, Worthing, Eastbourne, Crawley, Croydon, Hastings, London, Barnet, Beckenham, Bexley, Bromley, Camden, Croydon, Ealing, Enfield, Hackney, Hammersmith, Haringey and Harlow.

    Start the referral process for a drug & alcohol rehab programme in Brighton.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559.


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