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5 of the Most Serious Alcohol-Linked Diseases

by Ray Sadoun ǀ August 16, 2021

5 of the Most Serious Alcohol-Linked Diseases Despite the negative impact of alcohol on the body, people worldwide continue to consume it daily. The real problem comes with how the liver processes alcohol, as the enzymes that metabolise the alcohol can only absorb minimal amounts at a time. What isn’t processed is left to roam […]

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Understanding the Link Between Alcohol And Panic Attacks

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 15, 2021

Understanding The Link Between Alcohol And Panic Attacks Many people believe that alcohol is an effective self-medication technique for coping with anxiety and panic attacks, due to the initial sedative effect and feelings of calm that this substance provides. However, evidence shows that there is a direct link between alcohol and panic attacks. When we […]

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What are the Causes of Alcoholism?

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 14, 2021

What are the causes of alcoholism? The phrase ‘alcoholism’ has been known over the years by a range of terms such as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence and most recently as alcohol use disorder. People suffering from alcoholism continue to drink without thinking about the negative consequences their actions are having. These negative consequences could include […]

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What are the Options for Treating Alcoholism?

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 14, 2021

What are the options for treating alcoholism? There is no medical cure for alcoholism, however, there are several treatment options available to choose from. The best treatment for alcoholism differs from person to person as it depends on a number of factors including the level of addiction, personal choice, and finance. Some people may need […]

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What Are The Physical Signs Of Alcoholism?

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 13, 2021

What Are The Physical Signs Of Alcoholism? Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder, is characterised by the uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol despite the potentially negative consequences associated with consuming this substance. An addiction to alcohol can destroy lives, with many people prioritising drinking over everything else including work, relationships and family. [1] While not everyone […]

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What Is Korsakoff’s Syndrome?

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 10, 2021

What Is Korsakoff’s Syndrome? Korsakoff’s syndrome is a memory disorder commonly caused by excessive alcohol consumption and is thought of as a type of alcohol-related brain damage. Classed as a form of dementia, it exists on a spectrum and ranges from mild to extremely severe. People with Korsakoff’s syndrome experience significant memory loss and trouble […]

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Night Sweats After Alcohol

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 5, 2021

Night Sweats After Alcohol – Is It A Sign Of Alcohol Withdrawal? Most people have experienced night sweats at least once in their life, whether this is due to illness or simply during a particularly hot summer. But if you are regularly sweating through your clothes and bedsheets even on a cool night, this could […]

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Signs and Symptoms of a Functioning Alcoholic

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 4, 2021

Signs and symptoms of a functioning alcoholic If you find yourself becoming reliant on alcohol, counting down the hours until your next drink, or regularly showing up to work after having had a few drinks – you might be what is commonly referred to as a “functioning alcoholic”. This is not a condition that can […]

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The Dos and Don’ts of Dealing With an Alcoholic Partner

by Ray Sadoun ǀ June 3, 2021

The Dos and Don’ts of Dealing With an Alcoholic Partner It can be extremely difficult to be in a relationship with an alcoholic. As the partner of someone who is struggling with alcohol addiction, you are likely experiencing a number of emotions on a daily basis ranging from guilt, anger, frustration and shame. [1] There […]

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