If you’re using porn more than you used to and are struggling to cut it down, you might have developed an addiction. You aren’t alone.

In 2021, it was reported that 60,000 Brits sought help for their porn habits. [1]

Knowing what the signs of porn addiction are can help you self-identify and to seek the professional help you need to recover.

Can You Be Addicted to Porn?

at home

There’s a lot of controversy around the concept of whether people can become addicted to porn. What’s interesting is that while it’s not recognised on the DSM-5 as being an addiction, porn use is a sexual behaviour.

The medical profession recognises that a person can develop a compulsive sexual disorder. [2] Porn use is both sexual and can demonstrably become a disorder when it negatively impacts daily life. It’s arguably a type of sex addiction and many health and addiction experts classify it as an addiction.

It’s important to think about how addiction for porn users is different to drug addictions, this makes it easier to understand how they’re different and why there’s debate around porn use having the capacity to become an addiction.

When you take drugs or drink alcohol, they have a psychoactive effect on your brain chemistry. They literally change how the chemicals function and how you feel and act. Some people will take the substance again because they enjoy the effects and when this happens a few times, the brain starts to adjust and create a pattern of behaviour.

Not only does a substance become addictive because of how it creates chemical effects that feel good (i.e. euphoria or relaxation), the more the act is repeated, the behaviour becomes wired in so people automatically repeat them.

Brain chemicals and behavioural patterns are affected. This latter is key in understanding porn addiction.

What is a Behavioural Addiction?

A behavioural addiction develops through a behaviour. Sounds obvious. What happens is that a person takes part in an activity and it feels good. It affects brain activity and can increase dopamine levels (the naturally occurring “pleasure” chemical in the brain).

A behavioural addiction can occur because a person might want to experience that pleasurable feeling again. They repeat the behaviour again and again.

This, similar to a substance use disorder, then starts to wire the behavioural path into the brain and this leads to compulsive behaviours where people automatically carry out behaviours when triggered.

While it might be difficult to get an official diagnosis, there are healthcare professionals who consider porn addiction as a hypersexual disorder and it is treatable.

Other behavioural addictions include:

What are the Top Signs of Porn Addiction?


Like any addiction, porn addiction can be extremely destructive and there are warning signs that you can look out for.

When porn use starts to alter and negatively impact real-life situations and relationships, it has become a problem. It’s worth having a chat with a professional if you’re unsure whether the way you use porn is problematic or not.

However, if you experience any of the following signs, symptoms, or effects of porn use then this indicates you have an addiction and would benefit from professional treatment.

  • Cravings and thinking about porn

Addiction is one of the mental health conditions that is characterised by obsessive thoughts. Porn addiction is no different.

If you’re thinking about porn as soon as you wake, feeling like you need it to get through the day (i.e. to “reward yourself”, have something to look forward to, or to unwind), and feel intense urges to view it then you’ve developed obsessive thinking.

This is, of course, an addictive trait that can impact your mental functioning and alter decision-making and ongoing behaviours.

  • Trying to stop watching porn, but not being able to

One of the most common signs of porn addiction is wanting to stop using it but not being able to. This will be accompanied by repeatedly and actively trying to stop using, but then using it.

For instance, you might decide that you’re not going to watch porn again, and you might swear off masturbation for a week. However, within the day, within the hour even, you might succumb and repeat the behaviour.

  • Being secretive

Porn use, while popular, is a hugely taboo subject for many people, in many social circles, and in many cultures. This is for many reasons but is often linked to feelings of shame (more on this soon).

If you have a partner and actively hide your behaviours from them or find yourself lying if the conversation topic gets brought up amongst friends then you’re attempting to hide what you’re doing on some level.

This is a key sign of addiction.

  • Increasing porn use

An obvious sign that your porn use has moved from recreational to problematic use is that you’re using it more regularly. It’s common for people to tune in a couple of times a week, but if you’re using porn three times a day then this reveals addictive use.

Of course, it’s useful to keep in mind here that a change in life circumstances or a particular lifestyle might influence this. For instance, if you’re between jobs, working from home, or a student, there are likely more “opportunities” to click on to your go-to site.

The key point here is noticing if your use has increased and if it’s affecting other activities and how it links to the other signs mentioned here.

  • Using porn in inappropriate places

Using porn in inappropriate places is one of the more risky behaviours associated with problematic porn use.

If you start using porn in the toilet at work on your lunch break, then this indicates that your use has gotten out of hand.

A key way to know if you’re using porn in inappropriate places is to ask yourself, “If someone caught me using porn here, would I get in trouble with someone I answer to or the authorities?” If the answer is yes, then it’s time to self-reflect and ask yourself if you need professional help.

  • Experiencing guilt and shame

Two of the main issues that people struggle with around porn use are the following:

  • Feelings of guilt
  • Feelings of shame

This usually arrives after use but can also begin to “plague” your mind throughout daily life. For many, this is linked to social, cultural, and religious backgrounds. If you were raised in a background where porn use and/or sexual activity was taboo or, indeed, frowned upon then it can be incredibly difficult to resolve these feelings.

In fact, research suggests that addiction to porn is more commonly self-identified by religious people (i.e. those who aren’t religious might not necessarily call it an addiction). [3]

  • Sexual dysfunction

Research indicates that porn use can lead to “erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, decreased sexual satisfaction, and diminished libido during partnered sex”. [4]

If you’re struggling with any of these issues and are regularly using porn then it could be directly linked.

For some people, there could also be other psychological factors at play. For instance, if you’re body conscious, it might feel more difficult to experience pleasure in the presence of your partner. 

This sort of thing can be explored in counselling and therapy.

  • Relationship problems

Relationship issues can arise from porn addiction. While it might not be obviously apparent, the impact of porn use might lead to reduced intimacy and it can impair what once might have been a healthy sex life.

As mentioned above, porn use can reduce your libido during sex with a partner and this can lead to your partner feeling insecure.

Addiction can also affect your mental health and how you function in general which might affect your relationship.

  • Social isolation

The more you participate in pornography use, the more your quality of life can reduce. Addiction is a condition especially linked to isolation as you become more fixated on the behaviour and linked activities.

Also, some people can experience low self-worth, especially when they repeatedly try and fail to quit using. This can have the knock-on effect of making it harder to motivate yourself to do other helpful activities.

  • Loss of interest in other activities

When people develop behavioural addictions it very commonly leads to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. This, as well as addiction itself, can lead to reduced interest in doing anything else. Life can become “smaller” as the only focus is porn.

A casual meeting between a man and woman

  • Problems at home and work

If you start to experience problems at home or in your professional life, this can be a key sign of addiction. This is mainly linked to how the condition leads to impaired cognitive functioning and decision-making.

Perhaps you’re finding it harder to motivate yourself, focus, get things done, and manage responsibilities.

At its worst, this can lead to the breakdown of relationships and the family unit and the loss of employment.

  • Spending more money on porn

Porn addiction can lead to financial issues. While you might have started accessing free sites, it’s incredibly easy to be drawn into online options and channels that come with a monetary cost.

If you’re spending more and more money on porn, borrowing money to fund porn use, or experiencing financial strain because of it then problematic use has developed.

As you can expect, porn addiction withdrawal symptoms develop when people use porn in unhealthy ways.

Porn addiction is one of the mental disorders that has a psychological impact. Therefore the withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Mood swings; anger and irritability
  • Headaches
  • Stress
  • Low mood
  • Difficulty in connecting to others
  • Obsessional cravings/thoughts of porn
  • Feelings of anxiety and panic

What causes Porn Addiction?

There’s no one “thing” that causes porn addiction. The influencing factors vary for different people, although there are common themes that arise, including:

  • Genetics: a predisposition for addiction. This would be indicated where addiction runs in the family.
  • Individual personality: i.e. being a “sensation seeker” or having low self-worth.
  • A history of trauma including experiencing sexual abuse.
  • Co-occurring substance use disorders (i.e. problematic use around alcohol or other drugs).
  • Environmental factors.

Porn Addiction and Substance Misuse

Sometimes pornography addiction exists alongside drug or alcohol addiction. In a treatment setting, this would be labelled a “dual diagnosis”. This is actually quite common because addictive personalities can be drawn to particular choices and behaviours that create desired effects in a repetitive way.

Treatment for Porn Addiction


If you have a moderate to severe porn addiction then it’s beneficial to contact addiction and mental health professionals for advice around this. OK Rehab staff can discuss this with you. We can explain what your local treatment options are.

Porn addiction recovery needs to be approached through various therapies. This will predominantly be alone, but there will also be opportunities to include your romantic or sexual partner.

As negative porn use is one of the behavioural addictions, it is often addressed through cognitive behavioural therapy and other therapies which might be necessary. Staff at a private clinic would assess your needs and might also recommend counselling, dialectical behavioural therapy and motivational interviewing.

There are both inpatient and outpatient therapy options. Staying at a rehab clinic as an inpatient offers a safe space where you learn the techniques to manage the addiction in a healthy way.

Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

If you’re also struggling with alcohol or drug abuse then you can access help for this alongside porn addiction treatment. The most effective support in terms of recovery rates is offered at private clinics where you’re provided with a tailored treatment programme.

In relation to substance misuse, you’ll go through a detox and will participate in psychological and alternative therapies as well as individual and group approaches.

Final Thoughts

There are different forms of addiction, those that are substance-related and those that are behaviour-related. Porn use is a behavioural addiction that can lead to seriously unhealthy repercussions on a person’s mental and emotional health as well as their daily life and relationships.

Being aware of the signs helps you to self-identify whether you have a problem with porn. Accessing professional support offers the chance to heal and recover in a safe setting. Therapeutic support is necessary where porn addiction has got out of hand.

To talk to someone about this issue, contact OK Rehab. One of our friendly advisors can explain your treatment options and help you on your first step to recovery.


Two women talking and looking at a tablet

What are signs I’m addicted to porn?

Signs you’re addicted to porn include increasingly using porn, experiencing sexual dysfunction, and also experiencing withdrawal symptoms including cravings and intense urges.

What are the five signs of addiction?

Five signs of addiction include experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings and irritability, lying to others, being secretive, the demise of relationships, and losing interest in anything other than the behaviour or substance you’re addicted to.

How many people suffer from porn addiction worldwide?

It’s been reported that around 58% of the world’s population is addicted to porn.[5]

How do I get rid of this porn addiction?

The most effective way of overcoming porn addiction is through behavioural addiction services. These can be accessed at private treatment clinics throughout the UK.


[1] https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/19148214/brits-addicted-porn-soars/

[2] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/add.13366

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7044607/

[4] https://www.mdpi.com/2076-328X/6/3/17/htm?utm_source=thearchive.me

[5] https://earthweb.com/how-many-people-are-addicted-to-porn/