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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Rhyl

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Rhyl

    Are you currently based in Rhyl? Are you struggling with addiction and don’t fully understand your options for treatment? Are you looking for professional support?

    If so, call OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559.

    When you are in the cycle of a dangerous addiction, it can be hard to recognise the effects on your body and mind. However, at some point the value of rehab should be acknowledged, allowing you to see that there is help out there.

    If you currently cannot see the danger of your relationship with drugs and alcohol, this could indicate that you are living in denial.

    Denial can cloud judgement which makes it incredibly difficult for you to seek and accept professional help. It can also fuel your consumption as you are unwilling to see the effects substances have had on your life.

    At OK Rehab, we are here night and day to help. We can support you and help you to see the reality of your consumption. Our staff are living proof that there is a way out of addiction.

    Many of them are in long-term recovery and understand the importance of rehab.

    Even though you may not feel like there is a way out at the moment, you have found yourself on our webpage today. This indicates that there is a part of you that wants to seek help and perhaps by reading our FAQ page you will find yourself in a much better position to move forward into recovery.

    If you are looking to take back control of your life, contact our team today.

    How do I access rehab in Rhyl?

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    With addiction treatment there are many routes to explore, however, this can be overwhelming for a lot of clients. Fortunately, we can help you find the most suitable facility in the Rhyl area.

    All we ask is that you call us on the telephone number provided so that we can begin to gather more information about you and the struggles you are facing. During this phone call, our team will ask questions relating to the substances you abuse, the location you wish to recover in, your goals for treatment, and your budget.

    All of these factors influence our recommendations which we will then pass on to you. If we believe you will benefit from residential rehab within Rhyl, we can begin your admission process with immediate effect.

    How does residential rehab work?

    A young woman talking and gesticulating

    Residential rehab is a type of addiction treatment in which clients leave their homes for around 28 days. Whilst some forms of residential treatment can be carried out in around 10 days, it is always better to try and commit for around 4 weeks as this can significantly reduce the chances of relapsing.

    Residential rehab will begin with a physical and mental examination. This allows staff to determine the correct treatments for you.

    A huge benefit to seeking private treatment is the level of personalisation that is on offer at all times.

    After this, you will most likely begin a detox programme. This is a highly structured and intense programme that allows the body to heal in a supervised environment.

    Whilst it is a challenging part of recovery, staff from your chosen clinic are on hand around the clock to ensure your comfort and safety. Medication can also be prescribed to help you manage withdrawal symptoms.

    Once you have completed your detox programme, your therapy sessions will begin. The main goal of therapy is to find the root of your problem and explore difficult feelings and emotions.

    You will also learn healthy coping mechanisms and relapse-prevention skills that will help you during your transition back home.

    Before you leave rehab, an aftercare plan will be created to ensure maximum success during the first twelve months of sobriety. Your clinic will also offer support to you during your first twelve months to reduce the risk of relapsing.

    How do I know if I am in denial?


    Denial is a very common emotion when talking about addiction. As a chronic disorder, a diagnosis of addiction can cause feelings of anxiety and depression.

    From the stigma of addiction to health worries of substance abuse, denial appears as a way to cope with this.

    Ask yourself the following:

    • Are you hiding your consumption from people in your life?
    • Are you justifying your usage to yourself?
    • Are you lying about the side effects substances have had on your body and mind?

    If your answer is yes to all of the above, you are most likely living in denial. The above responses are ways in which you will try and protect yourself from the social, emotional, and physical effects of addiction.

    If you are aware of your denial, this is already a step in the right direction, and we urge you to reach out. If you are still to understand the severity of your problem, you will need to realise the damage drugs and alcohol can have on you before it is too late.

    Start your OK Rehab journey today

    Rehab can help you gather the best tools to continue with long-term sobriety. By completing an intensive and structured programme, you can begin to pave the way for long-term success, free from drugs and alcohol.

    Our team can help you access this level of support. All we ask is that you call us on 0800 326 5559. We advocate for accessible treatment for all so no matter your situation, reach out today.

    We understand that you may feel alone but by making that first step today, we can help to change this. For over 20 years, we have helped people turn their situation around and believe that everyone should have the chance to.

    At OK Rehab we believe that addiction treatment needs to be about making changes, including a shift in what you feel you are capable of achieving.

    Call today to find out more.


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