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Drug & Alcohol Rehab North Kesteven

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab North Kesteven

    In England, the leading risks for premature death in young to middle-aged people are drugs and alcohol. In the Lincolnshire area, many people are battling a range of problems related to substance abuse.

    If you or someone you know is looking for professional help, our team can help. By reading this webpage we hope that you are equipped with more information about the rehabilitation process.

    When you are ready to begin treatment, call us on 0800 326 5559.

    Should I attend a residential rehab facility?

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    Denial is an aspect of addiction many find difficult to overcome.

    If you are unsure whether or not your substance abuse classifies as addiction, try and honestly ask yourself the following:

    • Do you rely on drugs or alcohol to help you through daily life?
    • Have you tried to quit and go cold turkey previously?
    • Do you feel that your relationships have been affected by your substance use?
    • Have people in your life expressed their concerns to you over your consumption of drugs and alcohol?
    • Do you avoid events in the hope that you can stay home and drink alcohol or take drugs?
    • Do you constantly think about substances and when you can consume them?

    If your answer to the above questions is yes, then it may be the right time to consider seeking private addiction treatment in the North Kesteven area.

    Many rehabilitation clinics in North Kesteven offer high-quality, evidence-based treatments which means you will be in the safest hands at all times. Treatments include detoxification programmes, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), and holistic therapy.

    When should I begin to seek professional treatment?

    A casual meeting between a man and woman

    Finding yourself on our website may be the first time you have considered seeking addiction treatment. It is normal to feel anxious and concerned about addiction treatment as you may have very little idea about what it consists of.

    Below are a few signs that you may need to access addiction treatment:

    • Your tolerance for drugs and alcohol is very high
    • The thought of taking substances consumes your life every day
    • You don’t enjoy any of the things you used to
    • You continue to use substances even though you understand the consequences

    What therapies are available at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Kesteven?

    A man in therapy

    Traditional therapeutical techniques are used throughout rehab clinics in North Kesteven. Forms such as cognitive behavioural therapy have been used for many years and are evidence-based meaning they provide high success rates.

    CBT can help you explore the root of your addiction and help you to learn healthy coping mechanisms for a new life of sobriety.

    Holistic methods are also encouraged which can help you enjoy your life in recovery. From arts and crafts therapy to equine therapy and massage therapy, holistic forms can help you heal psychologically and work on your mental health.

    Should I visit rehab in North Kesteven?


    At OK Rehab, we partner with a range of treatment providers across the UK and abroad. For most clients, we encourage localised recovery which can help you improve your chances of success in recovery.

    Depending on whether you choose inpatient or outpatient treatment, you may be required to attend a residential facility or to live at home during your programme. Because of this, it is important to set realistic goals for your personalised programme.

    Choosing a treatment clinic far away may cause you to quickly lose motivation and stop your treatment programme. This can hinder your recovery and cause you to relapse.

    Localised treatment is recommended by our team due to the levels of comfort and convenience it offers. It can also help to have family close by to support you. Localised treatment allows your family and loved ones to engage in family therapy sessions which have been proven to be very beneficial.

    Another huge benefit to rehab in North Kesteven is aftercare. If you live close to your chosen clinic you will be able to take advantage of continued resources within your local area.

    These resources include Alcoholics Anonymous sessions or Narcotics Anonymous sessions. Your clinic will also keep in touch and invite you to meetings and group sessions to help you maintain progress in recovery.

    How can OK Rehab help me access treatment?

    man sat on edge of seat

    When you contact us to begin your admission, a member of our team will begin a pre-admission assessment. The pre-admission assessment allows us to gather more information about you and your goals for treatment.

    Whilst it may feel daunting speaking to a stranger about your addiction, this phone call is nothing to be scared of and our staff promise to listen at all times.

    The initial call can help us discover more about your budget for treatment and your history with substances.

    Once we have your consent, we will pass on your information to local addiction treatment providers who will then recommend the most suitable rehab clinics in the North Kesteven area.

    At OK Rehab, we provide realistic and personal approaches to recovery. We promise to always listen to our client’s needs and understand how addiction affects all aspects of a person’s life.

    What’s the next step I can take?

    Since 2000, our team has helped many clients recover from substance and behavioural addictions. If you are committed, we can help you.

    The next step is to call our team on 0800 326 5559. This phone call is zero obligation, and our team can help to answer any concerns or queries you may have about the rehabilitation process.

    If you are worried about addiction treatment, we recommend visiting a clinic in the North Kesteven area. By talking to staff and clients, you can begin to learn first-hand about the benefits rehab can provide.

    You don’t have to go through the recovery process alone. Get in touch with a team that can help today and pave the way for a future free from the clutches of drug and alcohol addiction.


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