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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Bathgate

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Bathgate

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      By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

    Here at OK Rehab, we arrange rehab treatment at top-quality clinics all over the country, including here in the Bathgate area. We also operate as a valuable information resource, where you can find out anything you need to know about rehab and recovery, for free.

    Call us for free on 0800 326 5559 – when you are ready, one of our telephone advisors can talk you through a consultation, and ultimately make a recommendation on a suitable clinic near you.

    The only requirements from you are that you are willing to acknowledge your addiction, and prepared to put in the work necessary to get better through treatment. In the meantime, please read through the information below.

    How rehab boosts your chances of recovery

    A man in therapy

    It has been demonstrated time and time again that rehab is the most effective method of treating addiction. This has been highlighted through countless academic studies on the subject. There are many different reasons for this, but a lot of it comes down to how comprehensive the level of care is.

    When treating addiction, there are many things to tick off, such as detoxing, getting mental health treatment, assessing potential medications, and providing patients with psychological tools to fight cravings in future. At rehab, you can do all these things within the same facility. This provides a huge amount of convenience, as well as ensuring that all of your treatments are working in unison with one another.

    Furthermore, going through rehab saves a huge amount of money when compared to the cost of arranging all of these various treatments independently. What’s more, you can do so in a safe environment that is designed for that purpose.

    What to expect from detox

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    Detox is part of rehab for anyone who is still using when they arrive, which is the vast majority of service users.

    Whether you have been abusing alcohol, cannabis, heroin, or any combination of substances, you will need to get clean before you move on to the rest of your treatment. The process of detox will be different depending on which substances you have been using. For example, in the case of withdrawal from heroin or heavy alcohol use, some of the physical withdrawal symptoms might be quite severe.

    On the other end of the spectrum, withdrawal from cannabis might cause minimal physical withdrawals, but the psychological aspect of withdrawal will need to be managed. Whatever the case, you will have help throughout the process from the medical professionals on-site. Each clinic has its highly-trained detox team who are there to help you through the process, including dispensing medications where appropriate.

    Going through therapy at rehab

    person leaning on ledge and looking out at lake

    Rehab is full of top-quality mental health professionals, who will put a treatment plan together that takes your own needs into account.

    This will include some combination of counselling, DBT, CBT, group therapy, and psychotherapy, as well as educational workshops on things like cravings and stress management.

    This is as well as complementary activities such as mindfulness, meditation and yoga, which will help you to heal as part of your overall recovery plan. Through combining these activities, you will gain a much better understanding of how addiction works, and what you can do to counteract it.

    You will also be part of a small community of fellow rehab residents, with whom you will be able to share your problems, as well as learn from their experiences. Where appropriate, you may also have the chance to involve family members or other loved ones in your therapy sessions.

    This can be very beneficial to some people in terms of mending relationships that have been damaged by addiction. Please be assured that this will only happen with your consent, and if it is deemed to be appropriate in terms of your recovery plan.

    Dealing with anxiety about the future

    An elderly couple on a bench

    Just as going into rehab can be a daunting experience initially, it can also be a little overwhelming for a person to think about the future once they leave the facility. After all, recovery is a lifelong journey, of which rehab is only the first step. Staying in sobriety will require proactive participation going forward, which is why one of the final things to do at rehab is draw up a plan for the future.

    The professionals who you have come to know at rehab will be able to help you with this. You will be helped to draw up a relapse prevention plan, which may involve making some difficult decisions.

    For example, if a friend or loved one is still abusing drugs, it may be suggested that you cut ties with that person. This would also be the case if a person is toxic towards you and you feel that they could drive you towards using again. The most important thing is maintaining your recovery and health – this is at the heart of all the suggestions made in your plan.

    Other suggestions might be attending ongoing therapy meetings, whether that is a 12-step programme like Alcoholics Anonymous or private counselling sessions. Long-term recovery is achievable, but it is always important to stay a few steps ahead of your addiction, and not to get complacent.

    Call OK Rehab today

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    We hope that you now have a clearer understanding of what happens in rehab, and how it can aid you in long-term recovery. If you have decided that rehab is the right choice for you, and you are willing to put in the necessary work, we can make it as easy as possible for you to get a placement in a top facility.

    Please call us on 0800 326 5559 to speak with one of our team, who can talk you through the process. We can take your needs into account and have you at a rehab that is right for you within a matter of days.

    No matter how deep into addiction you may feel, there is always a way out if you are willing to commit to the treatment process.

    Get Help Today

    Don’t go through the progress of recovery alone. Get in touch with someone who can help.

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        I accept the privacy notice.
        By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

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