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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Plymstock

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Plymstock

    The best time to reach out for help with a drug or alcohol addiction is as soon as possible.

    The earlier an addiction is found and treated, the easier it usually is for the client to reach a full recovery and the lower the chances of permanent damage being caused.

    This means that as soon as you notice the signs and symptoms of an addiction in your life – or that of a loved one – it is time to seek professional help through OK Rehab immediately.

    If you are unsure of what it is you are experiencing, we still recommend reaching out, as a member of our admissions team can talk you through the various symptoms of addiction and can help you identify what you may be dealing with. If it is not an addiction, you may still be at risk of developing one, and we can inform and advise you of what your next steps should be.

    Call us today on 0800 326 5559, email us, or fill out our online form to receive a callback.

    How to prepare for a drug and alcohol rehab In Plymstock

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    It is very common to be nervous about entering rehab; many people are still unsure as to what goes on during rehabilitation and only have outdated and exaggerated stereotypes from TV and film as references.

    Other individuals fear leaving their world behind in order to enter rehab and worry that their life will fall apart in their absence, and some feel like they will not benefit from rehab at all.

    To help calm these common nerves, there are some things you can do to prepare for the rehab journey that lies ahead, which will ensure your life stays intact while you are gone, and that you get the most out of your rehabilitation programme.

    Tie up loose ends

    To make sure that there are no distractions for you when you are settling into rehab, it is always a good idea to ‘tie up loose ends’ in your life before your admission. This can include simple tasks like cleaning the house before you go or asking a friend to visit once every so often to check in on your belongings, or bigger things such as arranging care for any pets you may have or setting up payments for bills that will need to be paid whilst you are in rehab.

    Doing these small but helpful tasks will help you to be free to focus on yourself and on treatment, rather than things that need doing back home.

    Tell the people in your life

    Sometimes a scary preparation, but an important one nonetheless, is telling the people in your life about your plans for rehabilitation and recovery. Loved ones such as friends and family may be supportive of your journey, and if so, will be able to offer help and support during this vulnerable time.

    Family members can also join in with family therapy sessions if you both wish.

    Telling your employer is also necessary if you wish to terminate your employment, or return back to work when you are ready to do so. They may be able to offer paid leave or help with your duties when you do return.

    Mentally prepare

    One of the most important preparations you will make before rehabilitation will be internal.

    Rehab is not as easy as some may think, and it requires a lot of hard work and dedication in order to reach its full potential. We, therefore, suggest mentally preparing yourself before your admission and getting ready to put in the work and effort that is necessary.

    But it is highly likely that there will be times in therapy and counselling sessions when you will be uncomfortable, or have to share something personal about yourself or your addiction, in order to start healing. Make sure you are ready to put your recovery first and participate in whatever you need to in order to succeed, and you will be ready for rehabilitation.

    How to stay sober after drug and alcohol rehab in Plymstock

    woman running in sunset

    When your time in your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Plymstock draws to a conclusion, you will have to begin adjusting to life back home and will face the challenge of continuing your improvement on your own.

    Though we can offer help in many ways through our 24/7 helpline and the detailed aftercare plan that you will receive, a large chunk of the responsibility to remain sober will now inevitably fall to you. However, just as there are simple things to do in order to prepare for rehabilitation, there are also things you can do afterwards to ensure your recovery continues without obstacles.

    Examine your social group

    It may be difficult to accept at first, but it is sometimes those who are closest to us that hurt us the most.

    It is common for addictions to form due to a pressuring friend group, a dysfunctional family, or an abusive relationship. To ensure that you are not leading yourself down the same paths as before, we recommend taking a step back and looking at the people who are in your life, through the lens of your own health.

    If there is someone – a friend, family member or even colleague – who may be detrimental to your recovery (they may be pressuring you to use again, using around you with no regard for your needs, or simply upsetting you, etc.), it may be time to move on from that particular relationship.

    Take up a new hobby

    Starting something new, such as joining a club/sport or taking up a new hobby, is always a great way to positively impact your general mental health and wellbeing (and also your physical health if you are getting active). These activities can also offer a great change from your old routines – routines that may have led you to substance use before – and also act as a necessary distraction from niggling cravings and temptations.

    Stay on the lookout

    You will, at this point in your recovery journey, know the tell-tale symptoms of an addiction, and the warning signs of a relapse approaching.

    It is important to not become lax with aftercare once you have left rehab, and remain vigilant and always on the lookout for these signs appearing in your own life again.

    Remember, if you do need our guidance once more, we are only a phone call away.

    If you do experience a relapse – or come close to one – your recovery is still possible. Progress is never linear, and you will undoubtedly experience ups and downs along the way. No matter what happens during your recovery journey, it is crucial to always stay hopeful, and dedicated to your success.



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