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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Kirkby in Ashfield

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Kirkby in Ashfield

    Many believe that rehab is reserved for only the worst cases of addiction, or that they will not benefit from rehabilitation, when this is in fact usually far from the truth.

    Rehab can be beneficial for any individual battling a drug or alcohol addiction – at any stage – and remains the most effective route to a full recovery to this day.

    With around-the-clock care, bespoke treatment all under the one roof, highly trained staff and therapists ready and willing to support you throughout your journey, and multiple forms of therapy and counselling to coach you to a successful recovery, rehab is the top choice for those dealing with substance or behavioural addictions.

    So, if you are someone who is looking for well-rounded and suitable treatment for your addiction, and are willing to put in the hard work and effort it takes to recover, a drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby In Ashfield could very well be the place for you. With our help, you could soon be on your way to a brand new life, free from your addiction.

    To find out more, or to begin an enquiry for yourself or a loved one, call OK Rehab today on 0800 326 5559.

    You can also get in touch by filling out our online form with your details and a little information about yourself, or by email.

    What causes an addiction?


    An addiction can be simply described as a compulsive engagement in a certain rewarding behaviour, despite the known adverse consequences. Though the mind may wander straight to substance addictions, it is possible to become addicted to just about anything. Exercise, sex, gambling, shopping, and collecting; all are examples of possible addictions.

    The common denominator of these addictions is the ‘high’ that the individual experiences when using/taking part in the addicting behaviour. For substances like drugs and alcohol this is caused by chemicals that are released with each use, for gambling it can be the feeling of winning, for shopping it is usually the purchase of a new item, and so on.

    The root causes behind addictions vary vastly across the board, but some common factors that lead to substance use, in particular, can include a dysfunctional family, an abusive partner, a pressuring friend group, a stressful job, or a traumatic event.

    However, these examples are simply what can trigger the use of substances. It is possible to encounter drugs and alcohol completely recreationally and never form an addiction, even with the presence of the aforementioned stimuli.

    What truly causes an addiction is the constant use of substances or constant taking part in the behaviour. This continual use can, over time, build up a tolerance in the individual, meaning they have to ‘up the dosage’ each time in order to achieve the same desired effect.

    For drug or alcohol addictions this means a simple increase in the amount the person uses at any one time, with gambling it could mean staking more money on bets, and for shopping it may mean having to purchase more expensive items or a larger quantity of items in order to reach the same high as before.

    The continual use of substances usually leads to withdrawal symptoms whenever the individual has not used them for a short period of time. These withdrawal symptoms can include nausea, dizziness, headaches, mood swings, and muscle pain.

    These symptoms force the individual to use once more, and the cycle repeats, often doling out more damage each turn – damage that if left untreated, can become irreversible.

    This is how a seemingly casual, recreational use of substances can shift into a drug or alcohol addiction very quickly. It also explains why breaking out of the cycle is so challenging. 

    What is the admissions process like?

    A man in therapy

    To ensure that our clients receive the best possible care, our admissions process is simple, quick, and efficient.

    We know that time is precious at this vulnerable stage in your recovery journey, so we strive to get clients through this process as fast as possible, whilst still making sure they receive the perfect addiction treatment for them. We also recognise that a personalised approach to treatment is the best way to guide clients to recovery, so we work hard to learn all we can about our clients early on and use the information we gain to better each client’s treatment.

    To do this, we perform a simple assessment during the enquiry and admissions process. This assessment is nothing to fear and is usually done over the phone.

    All we need from you at this time is complete honesty, as we may ask you personal questions about yourself and your addiction so that we know everything there is to know. We may need to know the length of time you have been using for, the substance or multiple substances you have used, the method of your abuse (smoking, injecting, etc.), if there is any history of addiction within your family and the overall severity of your addiction.

    Any untruthful answers at this time may result in less effective treatment.

    We then use this data to narrow down your choices for addiction treatment and figure out what should be recommended to you and what should be shelved. When we have finalised our choices, we offer them to you to make your decisions.

    What happens in rehab?

    A woman reading in bed with a coffee

    When you arrive at your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby In Ashfield, you will likely undergo a second assessment. This secondary evaluation will simply delve deeper into your personal needs for treatment, and will look at the state of your mental and physical health.

    With the results of the two assessments, we will be able to finalise your treatment plan, which will guide you throughout your time in rehab.

    At this time it is also likely that – if you have not undergone one already – you will experience a drug and alcohol detox. Though this is usually considered to be one of the scariest steps of rehab, a detox is also the most necessary and important step, and prepares you for the treatment ahead.

    You may experience some withdrawal symptoms during this detox stage, which are completely normal and expected, and can easily be combatted with prescription medication.

    After your detox, it will be time to embark on the rest of your recovery journey, and begin therapy, counselling, and other forms of treatment.

    What you participate in will of course be determined by the two previous assessments, but some of the most common forms of treatment include: addiction counselling, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivation Enhancement Therapy (MET), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), art therapy, family therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, and contingency management.

    Through a detox and these various methods of therapy, you can hope to become fully prepared for your new substance-free life, and more understanding of yourself and your addiction.


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