General enquiries: 0800 326 5559
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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Sedgley

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Sedgley

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      By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

    There are many rehabilitation options if you’re looking for the answer to quitting using drugs or drinking alcohol. At a time when you might be feeling uneasy, it’s really helpful to find a centre that you’ll feel comfortable at and where you’ll have the highest chances of successful recovery.

    With that said, you might be wondering where to go to find the clinic that will suit you most. There might be people you know giving you their opinions, which might not be that helpful.

    When you need trustworthy information about the rehabs out there, you can call the OK Rehab team. We work with people throughout the UK who need support entering rehab and connecting with rehab clinics. This type of work gives us a high level of understanding so that we can provide you with expert guidance.

    If you’ve reached the moment in your life where you’ve decided you want to regain your health and start afresh, then call us on 0800 326 5559.

    I Want To Stay Local: Are There Rehab Options In The Sedgley Area?

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    Yes, there are rehab options in the Sedgley area. There are two types of rehab services: government-funded and private clinics. You have the option to enter either. However, private clinics offer the most in terms of treatments and the highest standard of care because services aren’t stretched.

    Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach, private clinics assess their residents and construct a tailored programme for them to follow.

    If you want to go to a private clinic in the Sedgley area, you can find out more by speaking with the OK Rehab team.

    I Want To Be Admitted For Rehab Treatment As Soon As Possible

    man sat on edge of seat

    For many people who decide they want to go to rehab, they’ll want a quick admission or will have a specific time which fits in with their life (i.e. school holidays might suit parents more).

    Where you need your admission and stay to occur at a certain time, an OK Rehab referral can help you. We guarantee that we can arrange a date with the desired clinic that suits you and your family.

    Reduced waiting times are one of the most useful aspects of entering private treatment. For people who try to access rehab through government-funded services, the waiting lists are months’-long and there are lots of eligibility requirements that you need to meet.

    If you opt for rehab privately then the only eligibility you need is to be living with a drug or alcohol problem. Of course, you’ll also need to want to become abstinent. Feeling forced to go to rehab by someone else isn’t conducive to successful recovery outcomes.

    Please give us a call if you want to find out more about entering rehab for a residential stay in the Sedgley area.

    Do Private Clinics Support People To Become Realistically Sober?

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    The point that needs to be emphasised here is that people who go to rehab should want to recover. 

    Addiction creates circumstances that have wide-ranging deteriorating effects on a person’s mental and physical health. There are also issues related to a person’s familial and social life which can exacerbate addictive habits.

    To become sober, you need to be willing to do whatever is required. For many, this means changing their entire life, not simply removing the substance.

    Changing your life includes not spending time with people you used to drink or do drugs with, it means starting new healthy activities which you will keep up. For many, it means regularly attending outpatient group sessions as part of an aftercare plan.

    98% of people who enter rehab will leave sober. This is an amazingly high figure. Many go on to remain abstinent, but this will come down to you. As mentioned before a private clinic provides you with an aftercare plan which will support you to remain focused on your new life goals.

    One thing to consider is that if you have an addiction, the best treatment you can get for this is a residential stay at a rehab clinic. This comes with all the necessary physical, psychological, and emotional treatments you need to start retraining your mind and body.

    What Treatments Are Offered At Rehab?

    Men talking during 1-1 therapy

    When you enter rehab, you’ll be supported by four different teams which make up the whole. There are medical staff who can prescribe any necessary medications to support people through a safe detox. This is especially important for those who have physical dependencies.

    The next lot of staff includes the psychotherapists who are doctors for the mind. These are the people who will support you in learning how to change the way you think and approach your life.

    You’ll also be supported by alternative therapists who offer a wonderfully comfortable space for people to explore their feelings differently. This is also a space where people come to relax and find inner peace. Many people who successfully recover continue with activities they have participated in, in alternative therapy, through their everyday lives.

    Finally, there are the essential drug and alcohol workers who are on hand for emotional support and to answer all your questions about the practicalities of being at rehab.

    What Services Does OK Rehab Offer You?

    Two men talking one to one

    The OK Rehab team offers a variety of services that will make your move towards recovery as easy as possible. We understand how overwhelming this time can be and know that many barriers can hinder and prevent you from accessing rehab.

    This is why through a phone call to us at 0800 326 5559, we endeavour to ensure all your needs are met most efficiently.

    We offer emotional support to people who require a little bit of TLC before their admission date. As well as this we provide a robust knowledge of rehab services and can guide you on these. Finally, we offer referrals to rehabs and can support you to make practical arrangements to get there.

    Call us now to find out more.

    Get Help Today

    Don’t go through the progress of recovery alone. Get in touch with someone who can help.

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        By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

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