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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hove

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hove

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      By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

    At the part of your life where you realise that along with having an addiction you need treatment, it can feel like a huge amount to face. Addiction is not an easy experience for anyone living with it.

    Addiction is also a life-long illness. This, for many people, might seem like a helpless prospect. However, thousands of people throughout the UK are conquering their addictions by accessing rehab services.

    When a person becomes addicted to alcohol or drugs, the body changes its functions in relation to these substances. This is why quitting is not a simple task.

    For lots of people it’s impossible. The reality is that addiction is a serious disease and as such requires specialist treatment. Sadly, thousands of people find this hard to accept.

    For those who understand that they need rehabilitation input, there are amazing prospects for the future. Life can be turned around. Abstinence is possible with humility and willingness in your approach to treatments, as well as determination.

    The first thing to consider when thinking about the healing journey is where to go to find the support and recovery plan that will suit you most.

    In the Hove area there are a wide range of options. This can be frustrating when you just want to know what the best option is for you to become sober.

    OK Rehab offers a service where we match people beginning the healing journey with the best rehab options in their local area (or further afield) should that be desired.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 to get all the information you need about this.

    How to get past barriers that stop you from seeking rehab support

    woman looking away

    It can take a long time for a person to admit that they have a problem with alcohol and drugs. Once this has been admitted, it can then take a while to access services.

    This is important to think about in order to ensure you get through it because some people, once on the healing path, relapse.

    When this happens, it’s really helpful to remember the hurdles you faced before and how you got over them. Learning from how you handled situations in the past can become part of your armour in recovery.

    Barriers to accessing rehab support in Hove


    The most common barriers that prevent people from accessing addiction clinics are wide and varied.

    They cover both internal and external factors:

    • Denial. The majority of people will go through a phase of denial of the addiction. During this stage, it’s unlikely that people will seek treatment. It can be very helpful, however, because even if the person doesn’t think there’s a problem, treatment services can offer harm reduction advice.
    • Low self-esteem and self-confidence. When a person doesn’t have much self-belief it can be very difficult to pull together “the goods” to face an incredibly difficult challenge.
    • Low motivation or feelings of anxiety. It’s very common for people with addictions to experience mental health symptoms and these can make accessing services much harder.
    • Extreme emotions. Whether a person is innately very emotional or the substances exacerbate this, emotions can hinder a person to access and to maintain contact with services. (There are psychological therapies that treat people in this area.)
    • Lifestyle circumstances. For people who are homeless or for those who move about a lot, it can be much more difficult to keep a schedule.
    • Stigma. Unfortunately, in the UK there is a lot of stigma attached to having an addiction. This is very damaging as it can make people with the illness feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit as well as prevent them from seeking the help they need.

    Is it essential that I have a residential stay in the Hove area?

    man sat on edge of seat

    Going to rehab might seem like an extreme solution to drug and alcohol use. Many people associate it with “others”. Addiction is a health disease of the mind and body that impacts the lives of people in every walk of life.

    Substances also have a seriously harmful impact on the mind and body. This is why it’s important to receive a variety of treatments that are proven to be effective in supporting a person on their road to healing.

    The optimum environment for recovery is through staying at a rehab clinic. This removes triggers and distractions. It provides care around the clock.

    There are medical staff to support you through the detox stage which is where many people struggle due to the symptoms that occur.

    Finally, rehab offers the grounds and learning for long-term change and healing to occur through daily therapy and group activities.

    Rehab is a type of health and well-being retreat where people are supported through medical and psychological treatments to overcome the uncomfortable realities of addiction.

    Why entering rehab services quickly is so important

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    There are moments when experiencing addiction that people will be determined to stop using the substance. This often raises the hopes of people around them.

    What is difficult, though, is withdrawal and the lack of change in the person’s life that helps to move them through the withdrawal without relapsing.

    Many people, therefore, relapse when trying to quit on their own. This can create a cycle of raised hopes and disappointment for the people connected to the person who is unwell with the addiction as well as the person themselves.

    It’s really helpful to be able to get rehabilitation support when the person is ready and full of eagerness to go. Through an OK Rehab referral, admission to rehab cuts out long waiting times and can happen within days.

    This provides a really quick, smooth transition and gives the person a great start to recovery as they’re able to receive treatments to help manage withdrawal symptoms.

    How do I find help now?

    To get a place at rehab, you can access the OK Rehab referral programme. After having a short consultation with you, we can advise you on the most suitable options for your needs and can manage your admission arrangements.

    This makes your admission much easier for you to face.

    Call our team today on 0800 326 5559 to find a rehab placement in the Hove area.


    Get Help Today

    Don’t go through the progress of recovery alone. Get in touch with someone who can help.

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        By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

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