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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hertsmere

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hertsmere

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      By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

    Whatever substance you have an addiction to, there will be treatments to support you in quitting. Addiction is an illness which hooks into both the mental and physical aspects of a person.

    The mind is taken over because of how the functioning of the brain is damaged by the substance and then the behaviour is impacted.

    Behaviour becomes compulsive. There is a lack of control. This is due to the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain which has a lot to do with decision-making, being restructured.

    When withdrawal occurs, a person is triggered into a stress response and their brain tells them that they need the drug in order to survive and get through this situation.

    Sadly, the truth is that without psychological input from psychotherapists, people with addictions are unlikely to recover. Specialist treatments are essential.

    To discover what psychological treatments you can get in Hertsmere, call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.

    What drives a person to use drugs and alcohol in the first place?

    man sat on edge of seat

    Each person will have different reasons that have resulted in them trying and continuing to use drugs and alcohol. There are certain things, though, that make an addiction more likely to occur.

    Take the example of a group of friends experimenting with drugs, some will try cocaine recreationally and leave it at that. Others will go on to develop an addiction.

    The factors that influence addiction developing include:

    • A natural neurological predisposition.
    • Growing up with a caregiver who has been addicted to drugs or alcohol.
    • Spending time with others who use drugs and alcohol regularly.
    • Having a mental health problem.
    • Having low self-esteem.
    • Having experienced traumatic events.

    What are the obvious signs that an addiction exists?

    There are many things you can look out for if you’re concerned about someone. If you’re wondering whether you have an addiction, it’s really important that you’re honest with yourself about your symptoms and behaviours.

    Honesty is an incredibly important part of what makes recovery possible.

    Signs that an addiction exists are:

    • Mood swings between using.
    • Extreme emotional responses.
    • Insomnia and sleep disturbances.
    • Weight loss.
    • Pale or yellow/greenish looking skin.
    • Thinking about the substance a lot.
    • Worrying when you can’t get the substance.
    • Money problems.
    • Arguments with people close to you.

    Signs that a dependency has developed are evident through the withdrawal symptoms which include:

    • Shaking and sweating.
    • Hallucinations.
    • Aches and pains.
    • Nausea, sickness, and diarrhoea.
    • Seizures.

    What is an intervention and how can it help?

    One man with his hand on another's shoulder

    If you’re worried about someone in your family having an addiction but aren’t sure how to approach it, there are things you can do. In the first instance, it’s helpful to get correct information about the substance, how it affects people, and how you can support the person you care about to stay safe.

    You can call OK Rehab or your local GP for information about this.

    In terms of supporting the person onto a rehabilitation programme, you might need to hold an intervention. This is where you and maybe one other person in the family are supported by a professional to approach the person you’re concerned about.

    You raise your concerns, explain what about the person’s behaviour worries you, and discuss what local rehab options there are.

    When you realise you have an addiction, what should you do next?

    person leaning on ledge and looking out at lake

    Reaching the point of admitting that you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol is a huge deal. Addiction, by its very nature, has a way of misleading people into believing that they are OK. The way the substances work in the brain and body cause the person to feel as though the effects are positive and necessary in order to function.

    This, of course, is seriously wrong in the sense that substances are highly toxic and damaging.

    After admitting there is an addiction, there comes a choice between deciding whether or not to quit the substance. For the majority of people with an addiction, this can take years to resolve.

    If you want to recover, though, you’ll need support. The first thing you need to do is be open to listening to people and services who want you to heal.

    It’s time to find out more about what your treatment options are and to be open to trying new things.

    How do treatments support you to quit alcohol and drugs?

    holding hands across table

    When you enter rehabilitation services in Hertsmere, there are a variety of treatments on offer. In order to recover, a holistic approach is essential.

    Your physical, psychological, emotional, and social needs have to be approached. Private clinics offer a well-rounded support package addressing all these areas.

    In terms of your physical health, all patients who enter a private clinic go through a detox. This is a period of time designed to wean a person off drugs and alcohol in the safest way possible.

    Doctors often prescribe medications that reduce withdrawal symptoms.

    Psychotherapies are an essential aspect of recovery. Through these people begin working on their thought processes with a therapist. They learn how to reframe thoughts and to do things that support the brain to restructure in a way that supports healing.

    Alternative therapies offer a way of exploring and expressing emotions in a relaxed and comfortable way. This is usually a space where people find inner peace and a new way of thinking about the world.

    Peer groups are especially important as they reveal to a person the relevance of social connection in recovery. There’s much to be gained in this supportive context.

    How long is a stay at a rehab clinic in Hertsmere?

    A street with houses, lit by sunset

    A stay at rehab is different for every person. Some people will stay for a few days in order to detox. Others will stay for weeks.

    As a general rule, the best length of stay is one where you’re able to get through the withdrawal period and begin treatments that support mental well-being and healing.

    Most people will stay at a rehab clinic for around a month.

    How to find rehabilitation services to suit you in Hertsmere

    There are many rehab options for you to find out about in the Hertsmere area. It can be daunting phoning up various places and speaking to different people.

    This is why OK Rehab exists. We support thousands of people throughout the UK to go to rehab. We have all the knowledge on your local services as well as those further away.

    Our team of staff is professional and friendly. We understand addiction and the importance of matching you to a rehab that can address your needs effectively.

    Should you want it, we can also secure you a place at rehab and manage your referral. For more information on your local services, call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.

    Get Help Today

    Don’t go through the progress of recovery alone. Get in touch with someone who can help.

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        By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

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