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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Canvey Island

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Canvey Island

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      By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Canvey Island

    It’s really important to think about what makes a person develop an addiction.

    When a person begins to understand what has brought it into existence, they’re on the first rung of the ladder of understanding.

    Many people will go through difficulties in life. It’s part of the experience.

    However, some people will turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope. For the vast majority of people who become addicted to substances, it’s a coping mechanism. A type of self-medication.

    While others might turn to a doctor, exercise, or talk to others, not everyone has the ability or lifestyle that makes those options easy.

    People with addictions are likely to have been raised with others who have them, have self-esteem issues, a genetic predisposition towards developing one, and to have experienced trauma.

    A man and woman on a bed, one person with their head in their hands

    This starts to shed light on the factors involved in what makes an addiction exist.

    With this in mind, it’s then important to understand what to do next. This is where most people struggle.

    It’s next to impossible to fix your own “stuff” while being inside of you. This is because you can’t think objectively and don’t have the tools required to recover.

    Accessing rehab services in the Canvey Island area is essential if you’re to heal.

    Call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 to find out all you need to about your options.

    What are the types of drug and alcohol use?

    A freckled woman in glasses, looking away

    People use alcohol and drugs in different ways. Many with an addiction will deny having one and feel as though they use substances in one of the other ways.

    It’s really easy to slip from one type of use into the other without realising. 

    It’s only when serious health issues or other social problems start to occur that people reach a point of being unable to deny it.

    Admitting an addiction is difficult due to the feelings that often come with this.

    There is a negative stigma attached to addiction, people will still feel some positive feelings towards the substance that is destroying their lives and that is hard to think about, also when you admit the problem you have to then address what to do about it.

    The different types of drug and alcohol use include the following:

    • Experimental use: This is where people try substances for the first couple of times. It’s usually with friends in a social way.
    • Recreational use: Some of the people who experiment with drugs and alcohol will go on to use them more often in social situations such as at club nights or at festivals.
    • Problematic/additive use: From those who use substances recreationally, there will be those who begin to use every week to the point they start to develop serious problems in the person’s life.
    • Abstinence: Of those who become addicted, some will go on to become abstinent in order to control the problem.

    Note: People who develop addictions are unable to return to recreational use. This is because addiction is a disease.

    What rehabilitation services are there in the Canvey Island area?

    An older woman in a treatment centre

    There are two types of rehabilitation services in the Canvey Island area.

    People who have mild substance use issues or who have already stayed as a resident at a rehab clinic can access outpatient services.

    This means they’ll go to clinic as scheduled for treatments such as 12 step groups or counselling.

    Inpatient services are when people go to rehab for a period of time in order to fully immerse themselves in treatment.

    This is essential for people who have serious addictions.

    There are also both government-funded and private options. Government-funded options, although offering some good provision, are stretched due to budget cuts in the area.

    Private clinics offer the highest standard of care in the UK. All the treatments available for addiction are on offer and staff are specialists.

    Accessing rehab services in the Canvey Island area is essential if you’re to heal.

    Call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 to find out all you need to about your options.

    What treatments are offered on a rehabilitation programme?

    family counselling

    The best types of rehab programmes offer a variety of treatments in order to cover all aspects of the addiction.

    This means a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and social health is addressed through a holistic approach.

    There are psychotherapists to heal the mind and deep-rooted causes and triggers of addiction. Doctors approach the physical symptoms of withdrawal.

    Alternative therapists offer new ways to experience your mind and emotions within the context of your body and the world.

    Finally, group work offers the essential social connection aspect to your healing.

    Is it really possible for me to recover from an addiction?

    An elderly couple on a bench

    It is definitely possible for you to recover from an addiction. Granted, it’s going to be difficult.

    All diseases are a challenge to live with and manage effectively. However, what you stand to gain through choosing every day to positively face and manage your addiction is monumental.

    You regain health, autonomy over your thoughts, connections to others, and find meaning in life again.

    It will take all the strength and determination you have. You’ll have to use the tools you learn at rehab and will have to commit to making massive changes.

    When you do all of this, though, you can recover. Thousands of people live a substance-free life after addiction, you can too.

    Accessing rehab services in the Canvey Island area is essential if you’re to heal.

    Call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559 to find out all you need to about your options.

    What makes opening up critical to long-term recovery

    Two men talking one to one

    In order to truly heal, you need to leave the substance and stop hiding your feelings, memories, and experiences in it.

    What do you do with all these feelings, memories, and experiences as they all start to return to you?

    You share.

    You share with an experienced professional who has treated many people going through similar issues as you.

    You allow them to hold a safe space for you where you can say anything and they can support you to start facing those difficult issues and begin to experience them in more manageable ways.

    When you start to do this and take control of this, you’re able to begin a life of long-term deep-rooted healing.

    What is your next step towards healing an addiction?

    A woman talking on a mobile phone and grinning

    In order to recover, you need to access a good rehabilitation programme. One that will suit your needs.

    There are many options for you in the Canvey Island area.

    To find out what’s available for you, call the OK Rehab team today on 0800 326 5559.


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    Don’t go through the progress of recovery alone. Get in touch with someone who can help.

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        By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

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