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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Didcot

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Didcot

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      By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Didcot

    When you develop an addiction, you can be filled with doubts and fears.

    Not only might you be worried about the effect that the condition will have on your mind, body, and family, but you might also be conscious about how it can be treated.

    Thinking about addiction recovery commonly fills people with doubt, so much so that many who need drug and alcohol rehab are too afraid or uncertain to seek it out.

    Too many addictions are left to develop to extremely unhealthy points, and this is a huge problem.

    At OK Rehab, we want to help people feel more comfortable about getting help, so that’s why we want to address some of the most common questions people have about rehab, and hopefully shed some light on some of the biggest areas of concern.

    What does rehab involve?

    Men talking during 1-1 therapy

    Committing to rehab is a big decision. Not only is the process of recovery known for being difficult on an individual’s physical body, but leaving their family to go into treatment can be a lot to handle emotionally.

    For this reason, it is common for many considering rehab to want to know what rehab involves and what exactly will be expected of them if they make the decision to participate.

    While rehab programmes across the UK can vary in their approaches to rehab and what they choose to emphasise, the fundamental methods of treatment tend to be the same. These are detoxification and therapy.

    When you contact us, we can help find the right programme for your situation and make sure that you feel confident about taking the next steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

    Get in touch with us about rehab in Didcot today by calling 0800 326 5559.

    1. Detoxification

    A woman drinking tea outside

    In all rehab programmes, the process of recovery begins with detoxification.

    As addictions develop, the sustained use of heavy substances such as drugs and alcohol begins to influence the body and how it works.

    Its chemical balance begins to be influenced until consumption of the substance in question becomes integral for normal function.

    Individuals quickly experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they do not drink or take a drug, and thus cannot work or attend social gatherings as they normally would.

    This reliance upon a substance is the basis of all addiction, but detoxification works to try and ease this through a gradual reduction in substance consumption.

    This tapering off allows the body to slowly adjust to sobriety, reducing the chances of it reacting adversely to eventually receiving none of a substance at all [1].

    2. Therapy

    A woman in therapy

    Following on from detoxification, the independence that it gives to an individual allows them to then begin working on the psychological side of addiction recovery through a variety of therapy methods.

    In addition to physical dependency, addiction also works upon the basis of psychological dependency and an individual’s belief that they need to consume a substance in order for them to function.

    In many cases, individuals develop addiction as a means for them to cope with another mental health condition that they struggle with.

    Whether it is depression, anxiety, or trauma, they begin consuming drugs or alcohol to achieve the relaxing effects and self-medicate for their uncomfortable symptoms, and this develops into an addiction over time.

    To combat this, rehab employs a variety of therapy treatments which work to tackle an individual’s harmful perceptions of addiction and encourage them to develop healthier ways of handling their difficult thoughts and feelings.

    This can take the form of counselling, support groups, or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

    When you contact us, we can help find the right programme for your situation and make sure that you feel confident about taking the next steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

    Get in touch with us about rehab in Didcot today by calling 0800 326 5559.

    What are the types of rehab?

    An older woman in a treatment centre

    While the treatment activities described above are fundamental to almost all rehab programmes, it is important to note that not every programme will work for everyone.

    There are decisions to be made for individuals considering treatment to ensure that everyone finds a plan that works for them and their personal circumstances [2].

    One of the most popular forms of treatment is residential rehab, and understanding what this involves is important for knowing what kind of treatment you might benefit from.

    What is residential rehab?

    A bedroom with neutral scatter cushions

    Residential rehab involves individuals going through their addiction recovery treatment while staying within provided accommodation.

    This involves them staying in a bedroom, having access to a bathroom, and eating in a canteen.

    This kind of treatment is reserved for those who cannot look after themselves or do not have the support network at home to be cared for.

    It works for those who do not have the means to go through treatment without putting their health at risk by ensuring that medical professionals are on hand to keep progress moving forward.

    When you contact us, we can help find the right programme for your situation and make sure that you feel confident about taking the next steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

    Get in touch with us about rehab in Didcot today by calling 0800 326 5559.

    What are the benefits?

    Community support group

    The ultimate upside to residential rehab is that it guarantees that an individual does not threaten their physical or psychological health while going through rehab.

    Detox can spark dangerous withdrawal symptoms, and around-the-clock care offers medicinal support to reduce or limit their impact.

    In addition, this kind of treatment programme gives individuals much-needed space and time to dedicate to their recovery.

    Away from the stresses of their everyday lives, individuals can commit to the treatments offered to them, and dedicate themselves in a way that they could not with the distractions of their normal life.

    What’s the alternative?

    Group Therapy

    If residential rehab does not seem appropriate for their situation, individuals also have the option of outpatient rehab, which allows them to return home between treatment sessions.

    Designed to offer more flexibility, this kind of treatment allows individuals to adjust more comfortably to the rehab process and retain a degree of normality.

    They are able to continue seeing family and working if they have the ability and desire to do so.

    However, with this flexibility, the extent to which an individual can work through their addiction is limited.

    They are not able to dedicate the time towards extensive processes like detoxification and therapy, and so are not able to make thorough, long-lasting progress.

    For this reason, outpatient rehab works best for those who have newly-developed and manageable addictions, and so only require guidance and advice in order to stop their substance abuse developing into a more destructive problem.

    When you contact us, we can help find the right programme for your situation and make sure that you feel confident about taking the next steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

    Get in touch with us about rehab in Didcot today by calling 0800 326 5559.

    What happens after rehab?

    A group of people at a table with notebooks

    Once an individual has gone through the work of rehab, plans will be put in place for them to leave a facility and return to their everyday lives.

    However, relapse is very common during this initial few weeks following rehab, so many rehab programmes offer aftercare services to help.

    Aftercare usually takes the form of counselling sessions, support group meetings, and skill workshops.

    All of these options look to extend the support of rehab and give individuals the opportunity to continue making positive and healthy progress.

    How do you get started?

    A man talking on the phone

    There’s a lot to think about when it comes to getting the right drug and alcohol rehab to suit your specific situation.

    Knowing what rehab to choose and where to begin looking for help can be daunting, so let us help.

    If you are unsure of how to begin the process of finding rehab, you can get in touch with us at OK Rehab and we can help you figure out what is right for you.

    We can talk through your addiction, discuss its effects and symptoms, and figure out what kind of treatment would be most suitable for your situation.

    When you contact us, we can help find the right programme for your situation and make sure that you feel confident about taking the next steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

    Get in touch with us about rehab in Didcot today by calling 0800 326 5559.

    Getting support from OK Rehab

    Middle aged woman smiling

    If you are considering drug and alcohol rehab and need support, get in touch with us at OK Rehab. We can help!

    It can be frightening to think about addiction treatment, and trying to find rehab in the Didcot area can feel overwhelming.

    When you contact us, we can help find the right programme for your situation and make sure that you feel confident about taking the next steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

    Get in touch with us about rehab in Didcot today by calling 0800 326 5559.




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    Don’t go through the progress of recovery alone. Get in touch with someone who can help.

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        By sending this information, you explicitly consent to OK Rehab collecting, processing, and securely sharing your personal and health information with suitable rehabilitation service providers for the sole purpose of arranging appropriate care and support. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting OK Rehab. If enquiring on behalf of someone else, you must obtain their consent to providing us with their information.

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